Chapter 10

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*Beau's POV*

I was sitting in the living room watching tv. Ellie said she was going to come over later so there was nothing for me to do. I began flipping through the channels, looking for something good, when I there was a knock on the door. I jumped up and opened the door quickly. I smiled when I saw Ellie standing on the other side of the door, but my smile quickly faded when I saw her worried expression. "Ellie? What's wrong?" I asked as she walked into the house. She sat on the couch and I closed the door before sitting next to her. "Ellie. What's wrong?" I asked her again. Tears formed in her eyes and she held her head in her hands. "Ellie. Please talk to me." I said calmly, rubbing her back. She looked up at me. Her face showed sadness and worry. Tears continued to stream down her face. "Beau. I'm..I'm...." She stopped for a second and took a deep breathe. "I'm pregnant." she said in a whisper. My eyes grew wide. "You're..preg..pregnant?" I stuttered. She didn't speak, but nodded her head.  I didn't know what to say. I stood from the couch and walked upstairs, and into my room, closing the door behind me. I sat on my bed and broke down. She was pregnant? How could she be pregnant? I'm only 19. I can't be a father. I loved Ellie. I honestly did, but what was I supposed to do. I couldn't do anything to stop her from having this baby. Our baby. My face became soaked in my tears. I couldn't stop crying. I heard the front door open and then close. Ellie must have left. My life was beginning to become a mess.

*Ellie's POV*

Beau stood from the couch and ran upstairs. I heard his bedroom door close. My throat tighten and tears fell faster. He didn't even say anything. After sitting on his couch crying for about 10 minutes, I began to make my way home. I cried as I walked home. I needed him. I needed Beau. There was a life growing inside of me and I needed Beau here to help me. I wouldn't be able to go through this by myself.

I finally got back home. When I opened the door, I saw Bryanna and Skip sitting on the couch watching a movie but my tears blurred my vision and I wasn't able to see what movie it was. "Oh my god! El, what'd he say?" Bryanna asked standing from the couch and walking towards me. My sobs grew louder. She wrapped her arms around me and I buried my head in her chest. "He didn't say anything. He just got up and went up to his room. He left me sitting on the couch by myself." I looked up from her shoulder and saw Skip standing next to me with sympathy in his eyes. "It's ok, El." He said comforting. "No it's not! I'm all alone. I'm 18. I'm pregnant and my boyfriend/baby daddy is leaving me alone! I love him so much!" I said falling onto the couch and crying into the cushions. I heard Skip and Bryanna whispering and then the front door closed. Bryanna sat down next to me and began to rub my back. "Ellie. You're not gonna be alone. You have me, Lauren, Lex and Jai, Luke, and Skip. If Beau won't be there for you, then we will." I looked up at her. She gave me a small smile. I returned it. Even though I didn't have Beau, I was going to be fine. I was gonna raise this baby and we were going to have a great life.

*Skip's POV*

Bryanna had called me and wanted to hang out, so I went to her apartment. She had told me everything that happened with Ellie. I was shocked. I couldn't believe she was pregnant. A short time later, El came home. Both Bryanna and I jumped off the couch to her. She was crying and telling Bryanna everything that happened. She said that Beau didn't answer her and left her sitting there, alone. I stepped closer to Ellie, who was buried in Bryanna's shoulder. "It's ok, El." I said trying to comfort her. She looked up at me, with tears staining her cheek. "No it's not! I'm all alone. I'm 18. I'm pregnant and my boyfriend/baby daddy is leaving me alone! I love him so much!" she said before falling onto the couch. I hated seeing her like this. She was going through such a hard time and Beau couldn't even be there for her? I turned to Bryanna. "I'm gonna go talk to Beau. He's being a dick and she doesn't  deserve this." I said to her. She nodded. "Ok. I'll call you later." She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I walked quickly to Beau's house. I pounded on the door. Beau's face soon appeared in front of me. I shoved him a little. "What the fucks your problem? Why are you being such a dick towards El?" I asked him. His face stayed emotionless and he didn't say anything. "Beau! What the hells wrong with you?" I asked him. He looked at the ground. "I can't be a father." he said softly. "Well you're gonna be." I said back. "I love her, Skip. I really do but I just can't be a father. I don't have a job, I don't have anything. How am I supposed to help her?" He said. "Beau, all she needs is for a guy to love her and help her through this and you're that guy." I said to him. He looked up at me. "No. I can't be that guy." he said and left and went to his room.

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