Chapter 22

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*Ellie's POV*

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw Belle jumping up and down on my bed. I smiled when I saw her bright green eyes. "Good Morning Belles" I said to her. She smiled. "Morning mommy!" she said before giving me a huge hug. I loved her little hugs. They warmed my heart. "Mommy, I'm hungry." She said her cute voice. I jumped out of bed. "So let's fill your tummy with some food." I said poking her stomach lightly, causing her to giggle. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Bryanna and Lex sat drinking coffee and doing stuff on there laptops. "Good morning aunt Bryanna and aunt Lex." She said and gave them each a hug. "Morning Belle." They said with smiles, hugging her back. "What would you like for breakfast?" I asked Belle, while helping her into her chair at the kitchen counter. "Cocoa Pops!" she said. I laughed at the way she tried to say cocoa puffs. I took out the box of cereal and Belle's pink bowl. I poured the cereal and a little bit of milk before giving her the bowl. "Thanks mommy." she said. I smiled. "You're gonna spend the day with aunt Lex and uncle Luke today." I said to Belle. She smiled. "Yay!" she yelled. Lex and Bryanna laughed. "And I'm not gonna see you until tomorrow morning so be good please." I said to her. "Of course, mommy." she said. I smiled and went back upstairs. I got dressed in my work clothes and went back downstairs. Belle had finished her cereal and was now watching "Sesame Street." on the couch with Lex and Luke, who I guess came over when I was upstairs. "I'll see you later Belles ok?" I said before kissing her on the head. "Bye mommy! I wove you." she said. "Love you too baby!" I called before walking out the door. I felt really bad leaving Belle with Lex and Luke all day but i had to go to work and make money to buy her anything that my princess wanted.

I worked at a local food store and it was in walking distance. I looked down at my phone to check the time. It was now 8:30 and my shift started at 8. Shit. This was the fifth day I was late this week. Me not getting fired would be a miracle. My boss's name was Chelsea and was only a few years older than me but she was a real bitch. I've never met anyone as mean she she was. I walked in through the front door and tried to avoid Chelsea. If she didn't see me come in I could convince her that I was here the whole time. I turned a corner and there she was now standing right in front of me. "Nice of you to show up for work." Chelsea said in a nasty tone. "I know I'm late and I'm so sorry but my daughter...." She cut me off. "Your daughter is not an excuse. Your shift started a 8. It's now 8:30. This the fifth time you've been late this week. Ellison, you're fired." she just came straight out and said it. Tears formed in my eyes. "No, Chelsea please. I can't be fired. I need this job please." I begged. Chelsea didn't say anything. She just shook her said and walked away. I turned on my heals and walked quickly out of store. I wiped the tears from my face and began to walk home. What was I supposed to do? I needed a job. I needed to make money for Belle. I kept walking until I looked around. I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood. I looked around and saw a building with a bright neon sign. As I walked closer I realized that it was a strip club. I thought about it before I went inside. I was desperate for a job and this seemed to be my only option. I took a deep breathe and walked into the building.

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