Chapter 20

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*Ellie's POV*

I couldn't go to sleep after I gave Belle her bottle. She feel asleep in my arms so I brought her back upstairs and laid her down gently in her crib. I plopped down on my bed and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I was thinking about Beau. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him out of my head. I rolled over and looked at the clock on my night stand. It was now 7:30am. I finally gave up on trying to sleep and crawled out of my bed. I crept slowly down the stairs and walked into the living room. I was surprised to see Bryanna and Skip sleeping on the couch. I didn't know when Skip got here but I knew what happened between them. I slowly walked past them and into the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down at a chair. I held the coffee cup in my hands and began thinking. I couldn't stop thinking about Beau. I needed something to take mine mind off of him. I took a deep breathe and sipped my coffee. Bryanna then walked into the kitchen. She seemed surprised to see me sitting there. "Oh umm hey!" she said a little confused. "Hey!" I said with a smile. She reached up into a cabinet and took out a box of cereal. I kept looking at her and smiling. "What?" she asked me while pouring some cereal into a bowl. "So what happened with the two of you, huh?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Nothing." she said casually. I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not stupid Bry. I know what happened between you and Skip." Bryanna shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about." she said looking down at her cereal. I stared her down until she finally gave in. "Fine! We did it, ok?!" she admitted. "I knew it!" I said jumping up in victory. Bryanna laughed a little. "And I told him I loved him." She said. I smiled. "I'm happy for you Bry." I said. She smiled and blushed. "But be careful. We don't want to have another little baby in this apartment." I said. We both laughed. Lauren then came through the kitchen door. "Good Morning" She said rubbing her eyes, and plopping down in the chair next to me. "Morning." I said, standing from my seat. I had finished my coffee and put my cup in the sink. "Oh Lauren. Can you come with me to the store? I need to pick up some baby supplies." I said. She smiled. "Yeah sure but I need to drop off Jai's sweatshirt. It will only take two minutes." She said. "Ok. That's fine. Thank you." I said before running upstairs.

I went upstairs and got dressed. I put on my peach shorts with an oatmeal colored sweater that had peach colored roses on it. I ran my brush through my hair and left it the way it was. I slipped on my natural toms and skipped back downstairs.  "Bry? Can you watch Belle?" I asked her while she finished her cereal. "Yeah no problem." She said with smile. "Thanks so much!" I said. I went back into the living room and called from the bottom of the stairs. "LAUREN!! LET'S GO!" "I'M COMING!" she called back from her room. "I'm never sleeping her again. You guys are so glad." I turned around and saw Skip standing up from the couch. I shrugged. "Oh sorry. I forgot you were there." I said. He smiled. "It's alright. Where's Bry?" he asked. I pointed towards the kitchen. "Thanks." he said before walking in the direction of the kitchen. Lauren then came flying down the stairs. "I'm ready!" she said when she stopped in front of me. "Let's go." I said and we both walked out the door.

I decided to drive to the store but Lauren needed to make that quick stop. I pulled up at the Brook's house. "You gonna stay here?" Lauren asked. I nodded. "Ok. I'll be right back." she said before jumping out of the car. I didn't want to go inside and risk seeing Beau. I hadn't seen him since that day at the hospital which actually seemed much longer than three days ago. I sat in the car and played around on my phone. "Bye Baby. I love you." I recognized that annoying squeaky voice. I looked up and saw Aly saying good bye to Beau at the front door. "Love you too." he said before giving her a long kiss on the lips. My heart broke even more that it already was. I felt like I was gonna be sick. Tears formed in my eyes but I fought them back. Why did he still have this effect on me? Why couldn't I stop thinking about him? Oh that's right because I was in love with Beau Brooks.

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