Chapter 23

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*Ellie's POV*

"You'll start tomorrow at 4pm." the older man said to me after handing in my application paper. "Ok. Thank you sir." I said before walking out of the club. I can't believe I just did that. My new job was now a stripper. How were my friends going to handle that? I couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell them that I was fired. I couldn't tell them about my new job. I couldn't tell them anything. I sighed and began walking home again. 

It was only 3pm now so I needed to do something to do until at least 8 caused that was when I usually got out of work and Belle usually went to sleep around 7:30. I decided to go to the mall and kill some time. As I walked towards the entrance, old memories came flooding into my mind. This was where Beau and I first met. Tears formed in my eyes. I fell to the floor and started crying. People walked passed me and looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't even care. After three years, I still loved Beau. My life was such a mess. I got fired from my job. I was now working as a stripper and the guy that I love and the child of my father I haven't even seen in the past three years. What else could go wrong? I cried on the ground in front of the mall for a while until I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and saw Bryanna standing in front of me. She had sympathy in her eyes. She crouched down next to me. "Ellie. What happened?" I buried my face in her shoulder and kept crying. "El, I can't help you unless you tell me what happened." I looked up at her and took a deep breathe. I explain everything to her. I told her I got fired and took the job at the club and I told her how I still loved Beau. "It's gonna be ok El cause everything that you're doing is for Belle." I smiled. "Thanks for understanding Bry." I said to her. She smiled back. "No problem." "And can you do me a favor? Don't tell anyone about this. Don't tell Lex, Lauren don't even tell Skip." I said to her. She nodded. "I pinky promise." she said before sticking out her pinky and I did the same.Bryanna helped me off the ground and we slowly walked back to the apartment. I wiped my face for any remaining tears before opening the front door of the apartment. "Belles!" I called. It was only 5pm now so she wouldn't be sleeping yet. "Mommy!" she yelled as she ran towards the door and into my arms. I picked her up in a hug and spun her around. "You're home early." she said with a smile on her face. "Yes I am." I said while putting her down on the ground. "How was your day?" I asked as she held my hand. "It was good. Look what Aunt Lex did to her hair!" she said as we walked into the kitchen. I looked over at Lex, whose red hair was now gone and now replaced with bright blue. "It's blue!" Belle said. "oh my gosh it's blue!" I said repeating Belle. "Like it?" Lex asked smiling. "Like it? I love it!" I said and touched her hair lightly. Lex laughed. "I picked it out!" Belle cheered and started touching her hair also. "Nice job Belle." I said picking her up. She smiled. "Was she good today?" I asked Lex. She nodded. "Of course she was. We did a little shopping and picked up the hair dye. Belle, did you show mommy what uncle Luke bought you?" I put back down she ran out of the room. "I almost forgot!" she said. I laughed. She then came walking back in with a beautiful pink dressed held in her arms. It was light pink with dark pink and sliver flowers all over it. "Oh my gosh Belles. This is so pretty." I said taking it from her small arms. "Did you thank uncle Luke?" I asked her. She nodded her head, making her pig tails fall out. "Yup!" she said to me. "Do you wanna go hang this up in your closet?" I asked her. "Sure mommy." she said before taking the dress from me and walking out of the room. Her loose pig tails bouncing around. I turned back to Lex. "Thank you for watching her today. I know she can be a handful." I said. "It's not a problem. How was work?" Lex asked. I suddenly became nervous. "Oh um it was... fine I guess." I hated lying. My throat tighten every time I lied and I struggled to breathe. I then tried to change the subject. "Where's Luke?" I asked. "He had to go home and help James with something." I nodded and took out my phone. I typed a message to Luke. "Thank you for buying that dress for Belle. You really didn't have to do that." In a few seconds he wrote back. "I know I didn't have to. I wanted to." "Well thank you very much. She loves it." "Anything for my beautiful niece."

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