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The sound of the bed sheets rustling and the wind whistling interrupted my dreams, I shifted on the clean sheets trying to gather my thoughts together. Pain was something I had gotten use to ever since I was little, emotional pain and physical pain was connected to me. If I ever fell I would cry not just because of the sting but because of the embarrassment surging through me. Physical pain never won over emotional pain but the pain that coursed through my spine was something I couldn't handle.s 

I slowly got up trying not to cause the sharp pain to come again,I went and took a brisk shower,then brushed my long and dark curly hair.It was a mess today curls springing all over the place if only my parents gave me something nice for once,shoot!

Why did I always have to say mean things,I heard a knock on my door,"It's open!" My mum and dad came in they were holding a breakfast tray and a rose,"Happy birthday sweet pea," They chirped happily,"Thanks,"I mumbled,they walked over to my bed and set the tray on my pink duvet,I always loved pink but these days I felt like changing everything to black,

"We hope you have a lovely day Summer!"My mum said smiling,she was holding a card in her hands she set it on my desk and then left,my dad stayed and looked at my black necklace,"Do you want me to buy you a car darling it is your 16 birthday,"I turned and stared at him with astonishment,"WHAT!A car!"I squealed with happiness,

"Would you like a pink car?"I wrinkled my nose with disappointment,I knew my dad had distaste but no that much,"Maybe black instead,"I said whilst clapping his back in encouragement,I saw his face fall with astonishment but then he gave me a weak smile,"Sure,whatever for my princess,"he gave me a small peck on the cheek and then left.

I waited outside for my bus to come,I saw a shadow dart past a lamp post but no one was there must of been a trick of the light,"SUMMER!"I turned and saw Annabel crossing the road she was holding something pink and frilly in her hand,she finally crossed and stood in front of me,"Guess what I got for my best friend!"She said whilst beaming with excitement,"a teddy-"she covered my mouth with her small soft hand,

"Shh!I'll just have to tell you-a pink teddy bear!"She brought her left hand up showing me a pink frilly teddy bear with black beady eyes,"yay,"I said sarcastically,Annabel looked at me with her big blue eyes,

"Don't you like it?"She said sadly,her blonde hair fell perfectly over her shoulders,"I do but I'm more into black nowadays you know?"I gave her the teddy back,"It's the thought that counts right,"Our bus came and I beeped my oyster,the sharp sting came back but more strongly in my back I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to fade then walked to the back of the bus and I sat down,"Are you okay?"Annabel sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder,"yeah,I'm fine,"

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