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A rush of demons flooded through the room,their wings where black and flapping in uneven strokes.They where also holding daggers and swords but theirs where black instead of golden or silver,Alex was in front of them head held high.He was shouting orders at the demons to collect weapons,I watched in awe as how proud he was.I stared at his jaw as it clenched and unclenched as he spoke,his hair was covering his eyes and he brushed it away with his hand,"Summer,go get weapons!"Daniel shouted,I snapped out of my daze and flew down to the ground collecting a bow and some arrows,I slid it on my back leaving it hanging from my neck.I grabbed my dagger out of my belt loop and held it in my hand.

I weaved through the angels and demons stopping at the door,I looked out to see other Angels running and screaming.I ran through the crowd pushing people out of the way,I stopped at the entrance staring at the sight before me.Lake lace was in front of the palace but it wasn't blue but purple and bubbles where cutting through the thick liquid,demons where flying around it and some where flying out of the the liquid like a fly searching for light.My mother stood in front of the lake calming angels who where running and shouting at the demons,the trees that where behind the lake where crawling with evil demons.These demons where different,there skin colour was different either blue or purple.There eyes where fully black,they started to fly towards the lake again flying through the purple liquid.There was no sign of luscious,maybe that's why the demons where acting crazy.My mother ran towards me her hair flying backwards,"Summer!Its happening,I need you to stay inside and do-"
"No,"I said sternly,she stared at me surprised,"But Summer your going to-"
"No,I told you I make my own decisions,I have weapons and I did my training,I can do this!"She sighed slowly looking straight at my eyes,"Fine!But the boys have to stay with you,"I looked behind my mother noticing all of the demons fly through the forest,"No I'm going by myself."

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