Through we go

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I opened my eyes to see the golden streets and shops in front of me,Daniel was in front of me shaking about.I ran up to him an untied his gag making it flutter to his feet,"Summer,we have to go-"

"No,there's no way out,we won't make it,"I sighed,he looked so determined and I shattered his hopes.I looked down at the ground ignoring Daniels eyes,I screamed as something heavy landed on top of me.Alex was on top of me with all his chains dropping down on me,I pushed him away so that I could stand up.He was shaking about trying to get up I helped him up before taking his gag of,"thanks,"he mumbled,I nodded approving of his gesture.I watched the demon guards sway side from side interlocking their wings together creating a barrier for us to not escape,I sighed with annoyance.There was no way out,I fumbled with my fingers whilst thinking of a plan.Agus and Asha stepped in front of us with big grins,"good,you didn't escape."

The guards closed their wings creating gaps in between each demon,Asha hissed in annoyance as she tied Daniels gag back on.I looked through the gaps before Agus pushed me and Alex through the gaps,I stumbled on my feet before finding my balance.I stared at the golden streets and paths flooded with demons,houses and shops where wide open with angels being pushed out by demons and dragged to the streets.In the crowd a child was weaving through crying trying to find its mother,a demon cut through its way and pushed the child backwards causing the child to stumble backwards and bang it's head.I gasped in shock,"Shush,don't even think about it!"Agus hissed,he grabbed me and Alex's arm and dragged us through the crowd where the helpless child lay on the street weeping its eyes out.

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