Change of plan

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A stare at Alex in surprise the boy that I had met in the woods the one lurking in the shadows,A boy with golden hair moved through the crowd stopping by my side it was Daniel,"are you ok I didn't know he was here,"He pointed his finger at Alex,"Yeah I'm fine but why are you-"A large fire erupted beside Alex except the flames where a mixture of blacks and purples,everyone screamed in confusion,wings where flapped in my face and people pushed but I stayed rooted to the ground and so did Daniel,a figure stepped out of the fire holding a large dark stick he also had wings except they where dark and a gloom radiated it of it,I stared in awe at the figure in front of me he was laughing a dark laugh.He had the same dark hair as me his eyes where also dark,"Well it's been such a long time daughter!"he said widening his arms daniel stepped forward,"Go away luscious,"Daniel said almost a growl,I put my hand over Daniels chest making him stagger back,"Daniel it's my fight step of,what do you want,"I said viciously,luscious stepped forward right in my face,"is that the way to talk to your father?"He said sarcastically,I saw a gleaming figure weave through the sides to us,"Luscious you where not invited!"My mum stepped in front of luscious her gleaming her bouncing up and down,"Angelica she's my daughter to she deserves to see both worlds," a large grin showed up in his face I stepped back,"No,No I can't!"
"And you will,"Luscious snapped his fingers,darkness washed over me.

I woke up to see a dark ceiling spilled with dark angels flying,I was covered in covers.I sat up to see Alex next to my bed I scream with confusion,"shh your dad doesn't know I'm here,"I look around,the whole room is a shade of purples and black.I look out of a window to see mud on the ground and a grey,red sky and nothing else I look back at Alex who is staring at my hair.I clumsily smooth it out it must of been a mess,"No it looks good,"he whispers,"oh ok,why are you here,"I whisper back,"To check on you I'm basically your body guard for now,"he says with a wink,"I'm i in the dark world,"he slowly nods I feel a metallic taste in my mouth,I slowly get out of bed and see that I'm in the exact dress that I was yesterday,"Are there any other clothes?"Alex stands up and walks to a closet on the side of the room,he's quiet tall I notice.He opens the closet I see a swarm of blacks and dark colours,I walk over and choose some black jeans and a white t shirt with dark wings on it,"um can you leave the room,"I ask quickly,he walks out and I change I wonder of all the times I felt different maybe this could be a new place to live and not be an outcast.At that right moment Alex came back in hands in his pockets,he was looking at my shirt,"Do you like it?"he nods then comes closer and says,"Do you want a tour?"

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