Angel world

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I opened my eyes.A whole new world stood before me,there where white pillars everywhere with golden wings ing raved on them.There where marble houses with golden doors I looked down and saw that I was stepping on what seemed like fog except it was shimmering,people walked on the golden paths they also had wings but theirs where either golden or silver unlike mine.I turned around to see Daniel staring at me,"Are you done?"
"Oh sorry,"I said shyly,"Now we need to go to the Palace!"Daniel said clapping his hands,I never thought I would meet someone so happy before,Daniel started to walk on the golden path I followed behind him.I closed my wings which weren't as heavy as they where before,as I walked by people stared at my hair and wings.We walked through a narrow alley way with different coloured marble houses we ended up stopping at the bank of a river except it wasn't water is was golden powder,"This is lake Lace it's like a portal it'll take you anywhere,"I stared at the Lake it shimmered and glowed there weren't any creatures swimming inside,Daniel put his hand out trying to grab my hand and I grabbed his hand in response,"Think of a palace an Angel palace,"I closed my eyes then we jumped.

My whole body glowed with happiness all of my fears drained from my mind I felt light like a feather without a doubt in the world,I landed on a sleek material head up back down.I opened my eyes to see Daniel staring down at me mouthing,'get up'I quickly got up out of my daze and smoothed my hair down we where standing in a large square room with pink marble floors the walls where white with glamoures paintings hung up.A large golden chair stood in front of me with a sparkling figure sitting on it,she had a crown and was holding a pink stick with white spirals her hair was gold and land perfectly on her back her wings where closed but you could see the silver linings on the feathers.She was smiling from ear to ear,"My daughter has come home!"She stood up gracefully and walked over to me,"Summer I'm so glad your home,welcome!"

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