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"So what your trying to tell me is that I have to choose between one of you guys,"Both of the boys nodded approvingly,My head was spinning with confusion I couldn't quiet get why I had to even go with either of the boys.I stared at Alex his dark eyes gleaming,even though he was dark and private he looked different almost fun but on the other hand I felt this pulse for Daniel he brought the forest to life everything was clear when I looked at him,"Daniel,"
"Good you can leave Alex!"Daniel said whilst making a shooing motion with his hands,I looked and saw Alex disappear into the shadows weird,"Okay do you have the powder?"I grabbed the pouch that the old man gave to me,"Now for the fun bit!Can you pour some of the powder over my back?"I raised my eye brow in confusion,"just wait and see,"Daniel gave a large smile to me I smiled back,I turned him around and opened the pouch open there was golden dust inside the pouch it shimmered under the sunlight.A small wow escaped from my lips,I grabbed some powder with my fingers I noticed that there where two slits cut out in Daniels shirt.I poured the dust onto the small slits and waited,the air around Daniels back shimmered and glowed two magical wings sprouted out of Daniels back a small moan escaped Daniels mouth,"Your turn!"he said excitedly,"What!I don't know what this is about but-uh!"I gasped for breath a tickling sensation ripped through my back all the weeks of Agony escaped and where released,two pairs of white fluffy wings sprouted from my back,"WHAT!"I gasped in astonishment.Daniel touched my wings and spread them apart,"good size shape your ready to fly!"everything was going to fast,first the old man then the two boys and now WINGS!It was obviously a dream.Daniel jumped and flipped his wings in and out they where white but had shimmers of golds in some places,"your turn get up,"Daniel hovered over me covering the sun,I jumped then fell back down.I tried jumping again but fell back down,"don't worry get rid of all your stress and try again!"I jumped I released all of my worries that had built up over the days of my mother and father,I flapped my wings and expected to feel the ground again but I was flying I was flying!"Great now I need to tell you why I came,"

I looked over at Daniel his golden hair looked perfect in the sunlight,"So my mothers the head Angel and my fathers the Devil?"I whispered
"Yep,"Daniel answered quickly,my whole life had turned around I never thought I was an Angel,I looked at the glowing sun and wondered about the life ahead of me.

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now