Lets begin

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Everyone swivelled turning their attention to me,I looked around shyly looking at different angels.All of their wings where white unlike mine,they where wearing golden armour and weapons.Most of them looked about my age 16,one girl was eyeing me up and down with her sharp,blue eyes.Her blonde hair was fair and passed beautifully down her elbows,she stepped forward and was pulled back by a blonde boy that looked like her but taller,his hair fell on his blue eyes.He whispered something in her ear which made her eyes widen with shock,"all right everyone back up!"Daniels voice boomed behind me,I turned and saw him smile down at me.The angels walked back to their targets or books,"wheres Alex,"
"I don't know,maybe he was sent back,"a sharp sting stung my ribs,even though I knew Alex shouldn't of been here I felt like he should of been there by my side.I stared at the ceiling looking at the abnormal paintings above me,there where angels and demons fighting together with magical swords."You'll need armour,"Daniel was holding the same armour that the others were wearing,there where suns swivelling through the golden material.The armour would cover my trunk,I cautiously grabbed it out of his hands.I lightly brushed my fingers over the swirls and patterns,I started to put my hair back before Daniel interrupted me,"You don't have to,here let me help,"I let my hands slip down my body,his small hands softly smoothened my hair creating a braid at the side of my hair.He turned me around staring at my hair proudly,"there!now let's begin!"

We made our way threw the glass doors out to the rose garden,I must of only seen half of the garden as the other side was filled with bushes with roses but they where spitting acid onto the floor.The bushes created a maze for the whole way through,there was also targets that where stuck onto the bushes.There was grey pavement on the floor with moss building on the cracks,we made our way through the bushes avoiding the acid flying through the air.We stopped at the end of the maze which was lined with targets,"You'll have to shoot with some weapons,but first you'll have to find your weapon,which ever one pulls you towards it grab it."He grabbed some weapons which where in a box on the side,they all had names which where in graved on them all of them had different coloured blades and hilts.I looked at the daggers and closed my eyes.

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