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I sat patiently waiting for my food I have to be honest the menu wasn't that great,most of it was octopus and snails I cringed on the thought.I shivered,the room was quiet cold even though the windows weren't open,our voices echoed of the green walls.I looked at my empty plate,I felt quiet different then the others something radiated of them,there black wings where larger and more elegant then mine.My wings twinkled in the dark room theirs hid underneath the shadows,I moved my shoulders back causing my wings to slouch down and brush Alex's shoulder,He moved away slightly and carried on playing with his fork.I looked away trying to fight the tears,It didn't feel right sitting on that table with people I didn't even know.I tapped my fingers anxiously on the table waiting for the food to come,The doors opened revealing the slouched man to come back in to the room,he was pushing a carrier filled with food,"Ah lucas bring the food forward,"my father took hold of his napkin and put it on his lap,the butler slowly circled the table dropping plates on his way.I looked down at my plate,it was filled with green soup with lumps of what seemed like pears,my father put his hands up and clapped once,"let us eat,"

I watched as everyone picked their forks and chewed their food,I gulped down my anxiety.I suddenly didn't feel hungry,Alex leaned in and whispered,"You must eat,your father will get angry,"I turned my head and saw my father staring at me his dark eyes gazing at my fork and hand,I slowly picked my spoon and slowly spun it around in my soup.This was the time where I thought of my old mothers food,of her fluffy cupcakes which melted in my mouth,how I missed those days.I felt their cold stares burn through me,I scooped some of the sloppy soup and chewed.The noise of me slurping down the soup filled the air,I slowly tried to think if the soup was good or bad.Somehow it didn't taste as bad as I thought,it tasted sweet,of pears and apples mixed together but that was before the aftertaste hit me.I sucked in my cheeks trying to hide the pain of the sickening taste in my mouth,my father smiled in pleasure.

"What was that?"I skipped down the halls waiting for Alex to catch up,"Well that's your average demon food it tastes good at the start then turns sour,"I waited in front of some huge double doors which stood out more then the others,I heard whispers come from inside.I leaned in pressing my ears on the doors,"Well sire I'm not sure if that will work,"Came a squeaky voice,"It'll have to work it's the only way to take over Angelicas throne,"came a booming voice,I gasped in surprise.I staggered back onto Alex,I turned and stared at him,"what's wrong?"I tried to keep my voice down,"my mums in danger,"

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