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"Fine,"i punched the air in victory,if I could get Daniel on my side everything will be ok.He grabs my arm roughly to support me but I shrug it of,"don't worry I can fly by myself,"I spread my wings wide and let the cool breeze brush on to my Feathers,it had been a long time since I flew but I knew I could do it.I fluttered my wings up wards allowing my whole body to be dragged up into the sky.I feel a warm sensation in my stomach as I fly up,my arms are lose by my sides.I look down to see the muddy ground beneath me,"That was great!"I look to my side to see Daniel by my side smiling,I thank him with pleasure.

We fly up wards to the sky,the sun is slowly climbing up the horizon casting an orange shield over the trees.The whole sky was filled with oranges and red,I stared in awe at the sky.Daniel grabbed my shoulder yanking it softly,I snapped out of my daze and started flying.My wings weren't heavy on my back,they felt light.I flapped my wings in an easy rhythm looking over at Daniel who kept on looking at the ground anxiously."Don't worry we're nearly there,"I said happily,he looked back at me,"Thats not why I'm worried,look down,"I looked down with an anxious tug in my stomach,I saw a dark figure flying up to us with dark wings.His black hair moving swiftly with the wind,"Alex!"

I stopped flying and hovered in shock,Alex caught up to me with sorrow in his eyes.His hair was tangled and out of place,there where bags underneath his eyes,"Alex why are you-"Alex embraced with me in a warm hug his arms enter wined on my back,I gasped in shock,"I looked everywhere for you,don't do that again!"I looked straight at his eyes,That was his first sign of kindness.My brain turned into mush,I looked at his wings which where completely black with a tint of yellow because of the sun,"Alex,I told you my mothers in danger,you can't go to heaven,"I said quietly,"I don't care wherever you are I am,"

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now