The tour

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Alex grabs my arm and roughly drags me out of the room,I see that this place looks exactly the same as the heaven palace except its darker and sadder.We quietly tip toed to the entrance of the palace,he opened the door letting a cool breeze brush my hair backwards he let's go of my arm and waits I worriedly look at him,"what's wrong?"he snapped out of his trance then takes a step out wards,"nothing,"

I look outside and see blood red trees lining the palace theirs a path cutting through the trees leading to darkness,Alex walks towards a bench near a tree he sits down,I quickly walk over and slowly sit to.I let my head fall causing my hair to cover my flushed cheeks,"How is it?"I look up he's staring at me straight at my eyes,"Do you mean being half angel and devil well it's pretty tough,it's like there's a war going on in my head it's not easy,"I let my voice quieten at the end,"well at least you feel at home right I mean when I was smaller I felt lost unwanted-"
"An outcast"we said simultaneously,his eyes sparkled a leaf fell onto his dark hair I slowly swept it away touching his soft hair he grabbed my hand in his hair we stared at each other,a large lightning struck hit the ground near the bench a small figure stepped out with golden hair,"Daniel!"my hand was still in Alex's hair daniel stares at my hand I quickly take my hand away and stand up and walk over,"Why are you here!"
"Because I'm her to warn you,don't let them fool you but I guess they already have,"Daniels expression is tense and closed, I feel an urge to comfort him but I know shouldn't,"what now?"i whisper he looks up and looks at Alex,"I don't know,"

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