Fine dinning

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I bounced onto my bed staring at the ceiling I was finally able to make my parents agree with each other,I played with my hair twisting the locks around whilst staring at the dull ceiling.There where white cracks spreading themselves around the wall,the whole ceiling was black.I jumped up and looked at myself in the long mirror,my dark hair was tossed and went down to my elbows,my bangs where scruffy and where over my eyes,somehow I wasn't the same girl I was a week ago.I heard someone knock on the door,I opened the door slowly to see Alex with a leather jacket looking at the ceiling,I cleared my throat,he looked down at me and frowned,"What's up with your hair,"I feel my cheeks burn up,I quickly smooth my hair out,"Why are you here?"i said in a huff,I put my hand on my hip,"Oh right,make sure to go to the dining room at 8:00,"He smiled and ran of causing me to become even more confused then I was before.

I smoothed the black dress I was wearing with my clammy hands,I once again stare at my self in the mirror.I was able to fix my hair by tying it up,My wings where closed,ever since Alex took one of my feathers they haven't been the same.I flap them slowly to notice that there's a hole in the place where a feather should of been,I strut to the floor wobbling about with my sandals,I walk out of my room closing the door behind me,The long corridor stood in front of me I wasn't sure where the dinning room was so I opened and closed the large doors lining the corridor.Im finally able to find the door that leads to the dinning room,a large arch way stands in front of me.The arch way is green graved with dark symbols which I couldn't read,inside was a large room with a grand table in the middle my father sat at edge of the wooden table.Alex was sitting at one of the side seats playing with his fork,there where other angels which where laughing and speaking loudly to my father,there wings where dark and shining under the light.A chandelier hung from the high ceiling it's diamonds where bright and shined like stars,the whole room was based on the colour green as the walls where dark green and so was the floor.I stepped forward my shoes clapping through the sleek floor,the adults craned there heads looking at me.They weren't normal angels there eyes where fully black with no whites in them,there where 3 men and 2 girls they all had those horrible eyes.My father was looking at me his beady moving about when I swayed on my feet,his posture was straight and he looked like a business man that was in it to win it.I sat beside Alex crossing my legs in the process,he smelt of dirt and coal,I looked at his hands which where slim and where playing with the fork on his napkin he didn't move when I sat down,"My daughter Summer!"My father spread his arms out in a friendly gesture,"The food will be coming in a minute,"He clapped his hands,a second later a small chubby man with small grey wings came in,his back was slouched causing him to shuffle when he walked,"Oh,Lucas what took you so long!Hurry up take everyones order and oh help Summer out,she doesn't know our ways."

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