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My feet quickly jumped of the ground allowing my wings to spread out,the demons looked up stopping what they where doing,"Summer,this is not the way to do things,"my father said,he slowly made a motion for the demons to not move or attack.I grabbed my bow which was slung back on my right wing,my father had a nasty expression on his face,"You chose wrong Summer,I tried to reason with you but I guess you want to have it your way,"he made a swift movement with his hands and grabbed his sword out of his belt loop,the demons around us bared their teeth and growled.Something I didn't notice was that their teeth where razor sharp,and so where their nails which where sticking out of their skin.The demons hissed and grabbed for their weapons,I grabbed an arrow that was stuck on one of the tree trunks.I had never used a bow and arrow but that wasn't the time to hesitate,I slung my arrow through the smooth string of the bow.I concentrated and pointed the arrow towards a demon who was distracted with its dagger,everything seemed to slow down as the the arrow spun and rotated towards the demon.The arrow ripped through the demons stomach,it let out a agonising shriek and disappeared in thin air.Salt was spread on the floor where the demon was standing,"Look at you killing your own kind!"my dad screamed,he jumped of the ground and spread his marvellous wings wide.With no hesitation I flew up through the golden leaves.

Leaves and twigs scratched at my skin,I was inbetween the trees underneath the sky.I could hear all the caumotion underneath the trees,my father was going mental with rage.He was shouting orders for the demons to go back to lake lace,he was walking back and forwards,"Agus and Asha go to the palace and see what's happening,"The two figures who had carried me here ran of through the trees,a small chubby demon walked over to my father he was hissing whilst he walked,"Sire,when shall the war start?"My father turned and stared at the chubby man,he gave the man a slow,crooked smile,his teeth turned razor sharp.His eyes slowly changed instead of having whites his eyes where completely black,"soon,when Agus and Asha give me the warning we will attack!"He stuck his hands out in exaggeration,I gasped in astonishment.His nails where spikes and where dark at the tips like the other demons,to think that was my father I thought.My mind was thinking of different ways to tell my mother of the attack,my legs slowly started to elongate so that I was standing up on a thick branch.I flew up allowing my wings to be free of the branches and twigs which where cutting through my feathers,the sun was slowly making its way down.The sky was a mixture of yellows and pinks,the air was cool and fresh unlike the one in the city.I let the cool breeze brush through my long hair,now was the hard part.I started to create a faster rhythm of my wing movements,I flew of towards lake lace.

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