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I lay on my bed looking at the plane ceiling,the thought of going to ball didn't quite function in my brain,I sat up staring at my open door a large chubby women was standing by my door her wings where closed,her brown her had specks of white and grey,"sorry to disturb you madam but we better start the fitting,"I quickly stood and walked over to her,"Where is the fitting?"The women laughed causing her head to bob up and down,"Oh deary it's in your room of course!"and with that the women clapped her hands causing 5 dresses to enter the room they where hovering in the air shimmering,"are they suppose to do that!"Maureen gave a small giggle,"so it is true you are as funny as your mother!but no time for jokes try on these dresses try not to rip them!"I walked over to the first dress,it was navy blue and had a large pink bow at the back keeping it together,"Are you gonna watch me?"
"Oh oops sorry!"Maureen said whilst giggling she covered her eyes with her hands and looked down,I quickly took of my clothes and replaced them with the angelic dress,"I'm done,"Maureen removed her hands from her face she scratched her head and turned me around,"Next!"I recoiled her loud voice shocked me out of my skin,she returned to her other position with her hands over her eyes,I went to the next dress which was yellow with a puffy pink bow at the waist there where sparkles everywhere,EVERYWHERE.Maureen looks at my dress again and wrinkles her nose,"NEXT!"We repeat this cycle for 2 more dresses when the last dress catches my eye,it is quite a small dress it'll probably hit my knee it is black with a frilly lace on the skirt,There's a black corset over the body with black lace weaving itself in and out.I quickly put the dress on and wait for Maureen to look her eyes widen with suprise,"Oh dear!I didn't think the black one would match but of course it does!Your dark hair and wings go marvellously with the colour!"she claps her hands with happiness,"Keep this on I'll get my supplies for your hair!"before I know it she's off with a large puff of glitter and pinks trailing behind her.

"You can open your eyes now!"Maureen squeals,I look at myself in the mirror my reflection stares right back at me.My black hair is a large bundle of curls and glitter theirs a purple bow pinning my fringe back I look at myself in awe,"It's amazing right!"Maureen claps her hands once again and spins the chair so she's facing me,"Do you like it?"I search for the right words but nothing comes out,"Great lets go to the ball!

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