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I put my hand on Daniels shoulder and noticed that his eyes where beady and cold,"what are we gonna do?"He shrugged my hand of leaving me hallow and empty,A dark figure opened the entrance doors he was wearing a purple shirt and black jeans his hair was black and messy,"Daughter,"My neck snapped up,"Come here,"I moved my feet towards the black marble stairs,"You must come,has Alexander given you your tour?"I hesitated to answer Alex answered for me,"We where half way when Daniel interupted us sir,"Daniel looked at Alex giving him a cold glare,"The mistress has asked for Summer,"Dad gave him a crooked smile,"Well that isn't entirely fair as she is half demon,"Daniel and Luscious had a blown fight face to face when a large boom ripped through the air,Angelica stepped through shimmering air right next to Luscious he didn't move or change his expression,"Luscious give me my daughter,"

Luscious moved his head back releasing a tremendous laugh causing me to step back bashing into Daniel,"what's going on,"I ask daniel,"There gonna fight over you,"I look at my parents which are in the middle of an argument about where I should stay,"No they can't do that!"I step forward to the bottom of the steps,"Stop!"My parents turn facing me,"What if I choose where I want to stay,"Mum moves forward,"Summer that's ridiculous that's not the right way,"
"Well to me it is,I want to stay in both worlds,"My parents stare at me in confusion,this is the only way to make things even,"Well Summer that's not really efficient,"My dad roars,"Yes it is I'll stay in one place for a week and I'll keep on switching,and don't try to change my mind it's final,"My parents stare at me gob smacked,"Well we know we're she got the temper from,"my mum mumbles,I give her a sharp stare,"Fine you can stay here for a week but don't turn bad."

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