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I jumped of the ground avoiding my mothers pleading cries,I concentrated on avoiding demon claws trying to grab at my feet.A demon sprawled towards me with its sharp claws,with a swift move of my wrist I stabbed it with my dagger.It let out an agonising shriek,causing my ears to ring.I stared at the demon expecting it to fall on the ground except it folded itself into a ball and turned into ashes on the ground,I let my jaw drop leaving it hanging open.My brain couldn't quite function what I had just seen,I shook my head slowly and cautiously made my way towards the forest.

Fog lingered on top of the trees,my wings drooped down my back causing me to stagger when I was flying.I looked down at the sticky goo on the ground,it looked like a trail that crossed around the trees.I carried on flying straight ahead over the trees,I saw a glimpse of black mover underneath the leaves.I stopped clumsily starring,I swooped down slowly rustling the golden trees.I jumped onto a thick branch looking down at the muddy ground trying to detect some movement,I could hear whispers and bushes rustling in the distance.I jumped of the tree falling onto a graceful crouch,I stood up and walked through the large trees.

The walk seemed like eternity,birds swooped over the trees making leaves fall on my hair.I ended up in front of a large tree,it had a mark on it except the mark looked like blood.It was red and shinning under the sunlight that seeped through the trees,it was fresh.I lightly touched the crooked bark,it tingled under my touch,wind came gushing from the sky causing me to step back.The wind struck me again but harder causing me to fall back on the mud,someone walked slowly towards me.A large shadow was cast over them,their face was shielded with shadows,they where in front of the tree.My vision was blurred and foggy,I tried rubbing my eyes but it was to late.My vision was filled with darkness.

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