The ball

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We walked through the long corridors,I anxiously bunched the end of my dress together causing the lace to get crumbled,Maureen looked over at me tugging at my dress,"No!Don't do that sweetheart you have to look extra nice your future husband might be in there!"She giggled quietly,I blushed at this suggestion the thought of being the queen of the heavens didn't click in my mind.At the end of the corridor there where large golden doors with suns and wings graved onto the door,"We are here!Don't be scared,straighten your back and smile!"I smiled and stood straight,I took a shaky breath,Maureen opened the door.

The ballroom was well beatifull!I stared in awe at the Angels laughing,dancing and drinking.I saw my mother in the Centre of the room talking to an elegant man with blonde fair hair.I looked at the ceiling it was covered in drawings of angels with bows and huge wings,"Beautiful Isn't it!Now go mingle to one of the guests!"And with that she pushed me into the dance floor and disappeared,I bit my lip anxiously I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.I looked around looking for the food table,I found it and scurried to the table to occupy my self there where large champagne bottles either filled with pink or gold fizzing liquid I picked the pink liquid up,"I wouldn't do that if I where you,"I turned and saw a tall boy with brown curly hair his eyes where a sparkling blue I tucked my hair underneath my ear,"Oh sorry did I do something wrong?"i stuttered one side of his mouth was lifting up into a smirk,"No you didn't it's just that the pink champagne is really strong,"he said whilst tapping my glass,I put the glass back down slowly noticing him stare at me,"Your the princess,"he says after a long silence,"oh yeah I guess you could call me that,"I said looking at the floor,"I never thought a princess would wear black,"I stare at him in awe,"does it really matter,I mean so what if I'm not wearing pink so WHAT,"I point my finger at his stomach,I can feel his muscles tense under my touch I take my hand away and blush,"sorry,I get-I get uneasy sometimes,"I whisper he takes my wrists I look up,"To repay me will you dance with me?"i stare at his blue eyes,"Sure."

The boy takes me to the dance floor and we dance to the rhythm my hands on his neck his hands on my waist,"What's your name?"I ask,he looks down and stares straight through my eyes,"Alexander,"Something ticks at the back of my mind,"Have I-"He presses his body onto mine I feel his warmth against my body his hands are still on my waist my arms linger on his neck,"Alexander what are you doing,"I feel a sting on my wings,"What,"I push him away,and stare at him,his fair hair has turned into a moss of black,his eyes turned into a dark brown,his feathers slowly change black I notice my mouth hanging open everyone is staring at me Ale gob smacked at the image in front of them I hear someone shout sorcerer and other cruel names I stare at Alexander and see him mouth the words'sorry'

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