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I flapped my wings as I jumped of the ground,Agus was pulling on my shirt as I flew.The air was heavy and ashy because of the fire,we flew towards the top Alex and Daniel by my side.Smoke was flowing over the hill top,I coughed as we got closer to the top.Daniel and Alex stepped onto the top in front of me,I put my foot forward but someone dragged me back.I looked back in surprise,Asha was behind me her beady eyes darting around.I tried pushing her of but she hissed,"You have to stay here!"she screeched,I whimpered as I watched Agus dragging Alex and Daniel closer to the fire.

"Let me go!"I screamed,"Hush you!"The crowd below us was still and quiet as my father held his hand up to inform everyone to stay silent,Daniel and Alex where tied with rope and chains there heads facing the ground.They where kneeling on the floor there wings flapping about,I struggled as my father slowly walked over in an agonising slow pace.His face was shining like candle wax,he stopped behind the boys and held his head high,"Angels,Demons!The two enemies collide!"he shouted towards the crowd,"You must be wondering why you are here!Well of course there are some other questions you should be wondering about!I have gathered you here to witness the death of a fair child and demon child!"he swiped his hands towards the boys,"The blood of the enemies will collide creating no other then a portal!"the crowd gasped in shock and horror,I wiggled my arms in desperation,"I will be able to meet other demons out of these worlds,and destroy the angel world once and for all!"Demons from the crowd cheered and screamed,I screeched in horror.Ashas grip was tightening and burning at my skin,"but of course your ruler must see this marvellous event!"he clapped his hands causing two demons to appear with someone in front of them,"Mother!"I screeched,her golden hair was silver and wispy at her side,her head was hung low and the glow that once radiated of her was gone.My father chuckled and told the demons to bring her to the front so that the angels could see her,the crowd was filled with cries and whimpers,"know for the ceremony!"my father stepped towards the fire which was bigger then it was before,he put his hands through the fire,he didn't even flinch when his hands reacted to the fire,and whispered something I couldn't hear.He pulled his hands back not even flinching and a sword was held in his hands,it was red and a dark glow radiated of it.The hilt was silver and looked cold,my father stepped towards the boys and held the sword high above his head,"tonight the feud will end!"my father created an arch with the sword towards Daniels head,I screeched but only a puff of air escaped.

I wiggled my arms free from Ashas grip,she glided forward but I dodged away.My gasps became sharper and deeper the closer I got to Daniel and Alex,my whole life flashed before my eyes as I got closer,my old mothers cupcakes,my dad's car and my school.I thought of the long journey I had gone through,I had thought that was the end but that was only the beginning.My arms flung forward towards Alex's and Daniels body,I tripped causing my whole body to collapse onto them,the sword was on its way towards Daniels head,"Stop!If you kill them you have yo kill me to!"

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