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We made our way to the palace in silence,my head was rumbling with thoughts.I tripped over a rock on the way to the steps.I gained my balance in a huff,we walked up the marble steps deep in thought.I looked around whilst walking through the corridor,my mind went back yo a flash back.I was running away from something dark-"Summer!"I snapped awake to see my mother looking back at me with concern,"Are you ok?"I smooth ended my hair,"Yeah I'm fine."

I thought back of when I was listening to the conversation in the down world,I kept replaying the words again and again.I shook my head letting the thought slip out of my mind,we stop in front of some red double doors.The handles where golden and where bright in front of the red,I could here shuffling behind the doors and people moving about.I stepped behind Angelica slightly frightened,she opened the doors.

The shuffling about where angels doing backflips and jumps,Angels where holding what seemed like daggers and where throwing them at targets.The room was huge and was practically empty except there where shelves filled with books on the right side,there where other glass doors at the back that lead to what seemed like a garden filled with pixies and roses."Summer,this is the training room.I didn't want to bring you here until you where older but it's the right time,"She started walking forwards towards the bookshelves,the angels stopped moving at stared at our movements,"I have a feeling your father will attack and do horrible things,so we must fight back,I'll get Daniel to trains you.You'll have enough time to train until your father atacks,now go and train,"She turned on her heal and left with a puff of glitter.

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