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I breathed heavily as my dad stopped at his tracks,his eyebrows where furrowed in concentration.He slowly put his sword down a smile creeped up onto his lips,"Summer,it'll be lovely to see your beloved ones die,"I twitched when he finished his last words,I felt Daniels muscles clench underneath my touch.I looked straight at the monster in front of me,his hair was sticking onto his pale skin,"just leave us!Look at what you've done,this isn't the way!"i screamed,I breathed heavily waiting for his reply.

I shut my eyes once again as my father swiped his sword forward,closer to my trembling body.My wings where spread wide covering Daniels and Alex's body,I felt the cold sword swipe at my right wing.A large sting shot through my body but disappeared in seconds,I gasped in surprise as I heard a large clang.I closed my wings and turned my head towards my father,his hand was bleeding with black blood which trickled onto the grass.he was looking at his hand in disbelief and sorrow,he opened his mouth but only a puff of smoke escaped his mouth.He fell onto the ground,and crumbled into a ball,"you-you-will restore-"he gasped and coughed before crumbling into ashes,the whole place turned silent as the ashes flew of with the wind.I blinked trying to swallow everything that I saw,the demons around us where cursing and screaming.the guards ran and flew of towards the woods the other demons let go of the angels and flew of through the night sky,I stood up and unclasped my self of the boys which where staring at me there eyes huge.My hair swayed from side to side with the wind,whispers turned into large shouts and laughter.I turned to see my mother standing by my side her usual self again,she grabbed my wrist and brought it high up visible for the victory of the angels.

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