The truth

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One day I use to enjoy school but now I feel no meaning to it,the annoying teachers,the boring lessons and the pointless homework once in a while so really school sucks.

Me and Annabel enter the school parking lot so we can go through to the entrance of the school,we see people by their cars locking there doors,"look over there,"Annabel points to Sapphire the most richest girl in school and Luke kissing by their car,

"Get a room won't you,"I say whilst we walk past them,they break their kiss and give me a dirty look I stick my tongue out at them Annabel tugs my shirt and stares at me shocked,"What has gone into you!"She shout whispers,to be honest I don't know my self the rude remarks and just the change in general,I look at Annabel and notice that she has a pink bow in her hair I sigh desperately,"I don't know,"

School drags on for the whole day my back aches also for the whole day especially my shoulder blades,I use to love art and being able to draw your feelings on to paper but today I didn't feel the spark or the urge to draw I sigh in disappointment,"Is something wrong Summer?"Miss White walks next to my drawing and folds her arms,

"What's wrong,your drawings are usually so alive,such a shame,"She walks of her heels clipping on the marble floor,a bubble of rage burns inside me how dare her try to tell me what's wrong and right!I quickly grab my pencil and start to draw the heaviness of the pencil is gone all my doubts and fears press down on to the pencil creating a beautiful image in front of me,an angel and a devil stand before me on the piece of paper my mind rushes with confusion and disbelief.

I hear Miss' Whites high heels clip onto the floor close towards me she bends down and carefully eyes my paper I can smell her cheap perfume,"Sorry to disappoint you Summer but that's not what we are doing today,"She points one of her sharp finger nails at the white board,'To be able to draw A flower vase,"

I put my key threw the key whole and slowly open the door,"Hello!"No response,I close the door behind me and see mail fall out of the mail flipper.I bend down and pick up the bundle of disappointment in my hands,I move to the kitchen and throw the mail on the wooden table.

A larger envelope catches my eye,I shakily grab the envelope and read 'Parent/carer of Summer Green' I wonder why I would get this letter,my dark hair falls over my eyes whilst I'm opening the envelope with a shaky hand I impatiently swipe it back and look at the letter

'We are righting to you to inform that it has been 16 years since you adopted Summer'A large buzz fills my ears when I hear 'Adopted',I read the letter the second time and slowly walk over to the stairs,I end up walking to my parents room and look at my mums drawers,I find nothing of my past that suggests that this letter is wrong.I slump onto the floor and put my head in my hands,"Do you think the letter came,"I quickly look around,my parents are home.They lied to me.They knew the letter was going to come that day,I cautiously crawled over to the stairs and heard what they where saying,"When should we tell her?"My mother whispered but her voice came out more like a croak,I stretched my neck trying to hear every word they said,
"Maybe in another year?"My father help my mothers shoulder in a comforting fashion,I rolled my eyes in disgust.
I couldn't believe that the people that I thought loved me hid this from me for sixteen long years,just the thought made my fists clench.

"Yeah that's good she will be more mature by then,"Did she just say mature?I was sixteen years old and she thought I wasn't mature?I felt like crying right there on the floor,I was trying my best to hide my sadness with anger but it wasn't working.Hot tears burned behind my eyes fighting to get through.

I roll my eyes and stand up,My parents lied about who my parents are and still think they are going to carry on with the act,well they're wrong.I slowly walk down the stairs with my chin held high without a care in the world,my parents stop whispering and stare at me I can feel their nervous stares burn through me,

"Hi honey how was your day?"I can hear the tension in my fathers voice,I shake my head before he can speak.The tears were already falling before I can fight them back,I wipe them with the back of my hand,

"Summer,I don't know what part you heard but we tried-"
"You don't have to lie anymore!,"I shouted back,"My life has been crashed together with sadness and fear of not fitting in with everyone because for the whole sixteen years I've been living I felt feared of"I held back a sob before getting up into their faces,staring long and hard into their eyes,all the fury that was building up in me for the whole day bursts,
"Come on now let's take this-"I glare at them both my eyes brimming with tears,"No,let's not do anything at all because I'm sick and tired of these lies!"

There faces showed fear and I felt like taking back everything I said but I couldn't,I had to get away,"Summer what are you-"my mothers hand reached out to my arm but I shoved it back boring my stare through her,"No,it's over.I-I can't do this,"Salty tears fell down my cheeks onto the floor as I ran up the stairs regretting ever opening that letter filled with dread.

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