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I through all the clothes I found in my closet in a plastic carrier bag,I breathed deeply trying to work things out in my brain.I had to go back to my mum she was in trouble,I tied the bag together and opened the door.i didn't know how I was going to go back but I would find a way,It was late at night so everyone had gone to their sleeping chamber.i could hear loud snores from different rooms,I got to the entrance of the palace and opened the door.

A large gush of wind spilled onto my face,it was pitch black outside with only the glistening of the moon.I walked to the bench which I sat on a few days ago,the floor was covered with orange leaves,the air smelt fresh and clean at night.I tried to listen to things that could help me get back,i slouched back down not hearing anything.I scuffed my shoes on the ground trying to think,a thought hit me.The heavens are up and the demons are down so maybe I could fly there,I stood up and straightened my back,My wings widens white feathers shimmering in the moonlight,"Summer!what are you doing,"I turned to see Daniel standing behind a tree eyes wide,"I need to get back my mothers in danger!"I whisper,he walks over and stands next to me,"Danger?How?"I flutter my wings in anticipation,"If you fly with me I'll tell you."

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