Conscience brothers

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"Hello!"I didn't know where I was,the room was dark and stuffy the stench of blood and cole hit me the silence was suffocating.I saw something shimmer in front of me a figure stepped out of the glistening air,it was an angel.

She was tall and had golden curls covering her head,her eyes where enchanting and were golden and sparkling,radiating light.

Mesmirising wings stood behind her back flapping effortlessly around her small frame.She was wearing a white robe which went up to her feet."Come,"the golden angel spread her arms wide welcoming me into her heavenly grasp,I hesitated.

On the other side of the room a puff of smoke appeared and showed a large figure by my side he was dark and forbidden his black wings where closed and daunting,his eyes where dark and inviting he also wore a robe except it was black.He had Black shimmering hair just like mine it covered his forehead,"Come,"he had a husky low voice that was also inviting.I stared at the Angel and the Devil in front of me,I stepped towards...

I gasped for air,the pain came back onto my back.I opened my eyes to see the homeless man staring at me I yelped,"shh there isn't much time!"he demanded,I got up and grabbed my back pack I had stayed at the same park that I had yesterday the park bench made my neck hurt.The man told me that I had to walk towards the woods,"here keep this it'll help you in your journey,"The old man gave me a small pouch that was tied with a golden ribbon I started walking towards the forest.All the doubts and fears had been lifted of my shoulders it was like my life was back on track.

The forest didn't have a path or any kind of trail I just tried to listen to the birds singing their morning song,I stopped to a halt as I saw a marvelling tree before me.Its leaves looked golden with the morning sunlight filtering through creating a misty shadow the trunk had large gashes and cuts like someone probably tried to cut it down,"Beautiful isn't it,"I jumped, a boy was standing by the tree one of his hands leaning on the trunk, his hair was golden a mixture of blondes and browns.He was wearing normal clothes except there was something unusual about him,"Who are you?"I started to walk back slowly the boy looked up at the sky then back down,"We should be heading of before he comes,"

"Who?" I asked gingnerly,

"Me,"I turned around to see another boy a darker version of the first, he was wearing a black leather jacket with ripped blue jeans,his hair was a messy black nest on his head he was standing by another tree except it looked darker like a shadow was caste over it," You want to come with me don't you?" I was so confused from the battle unraveling in front of me,"Don't listen to him you have to come with me,"

"I can't go with either of you,because I need to know who you are!" I said furiously,"No,don't use your anger Summer,"The golden boy stepped forward with a sad expression on his face,"I'm Daniel and that's Alex,we're the conscience brothers."

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