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I gasped for air,I slowly blinked adjusting my sight. The room was pitch black and a smell of dirt lingered in the air,I moved my leg but only got a shooting sting crawl through my leg in return.I crouched in agony,I shook my wrists but they where tied in what seemed like chains.Light filled the room,2 figures stepped through a door in the far wall.I couldn't quite see them as they left the door closed behind them,they where laughing and whispering.I didn't move as I didn't want them to notice me,"This is going great Agus!The angels will surrender soon,"The figure on the right said,it sounded like a girl.The figures shuffled forwards closer to me,"know to get rid of this one,"

The women slowly kicked me with the tip of her shoe,I flinched,"Isn't she dead?"
"No she's not,"The man quickly grabbed me by the ankles and and pulled me onto his back making my chained hands rattle,I quickly screamed in agony,"So I guess she is alive,don't worry your dad will enjoy this,"the man said,I screamed again and pounded my limp arms on his back,he didn't even turn or even flinch of my touch.We made our way towards the end of the room,the girl opened the door to reveal the forest we where in before except there where demons flying around with shields and weapons.I actually noticed the girls face,her hair was black and so where her eyes.Her skin was pale with a tint of purple which made her all black eyes stand out,her clothes where scruffy and looked normal.But of course her black wings poked out of her back,they where closed not showing any movement.The forest trees where surrounding us covering the evening sun,some of the leaves that where sprawled on the floor looked burnt and ashy.There was a path way in the middle of the trees where demons where coming in and out,the mans grip tightened around my ankles.They walked forward stopping the middle of the circle of trees,the man dropped me down roughly revealing his face,he looked like the girl except his eyes where smaller.His clothes where normal but there where scratches running down clothes,the man looked up and whistled.The air in front of the man shimmered and turned blurry,I rubbed my eyes in confusion.Over the weeks I spent in these worlds I had never seen something so magical and strange,a figure stepped out of the shimmering air towards the man that had carried me.He was wearing black gear with a sword stuck in his belt loop,his face was plain until he saw me,"Daughter finally you have came,"

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