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I gasp in shock at my father in front of me,his eyes where dark and twinkling.He stepped forward closer to me,I breathed deeply lying on the pile of leaves,"Get up Summer,"He said sternly,I clumsily staggered to my feet.His wings where wide open now and where covering my view of the other demons,"Such a pretty angel,such a shame I didn't have the chance to turn you,"the sides of his mouth widened giving out a large smile,I stepped back slowly,"What do you mean turn,"I whispered,"Oh of course your mother hasn't told you anything,"he walked towards me in cool steps,"the only reason you came in these worlds was so that you could become one of us,"he stopped in front of me,his eyes where cold and empty,"No that's not true,"he gave out a tremendous laugh,"Your so naive,well Summer have you ever thought why your wings are purple instead of gold or silver,or why your hair is dark instead of gold,"I looked back at my wings,the feathers still had a tint of purple instead of gold.I had looked at the other Angels wings and wondered why mine wasn't the same,"See,your one of us not them so join me and let's conquer them all,"He let his hand out,I stared in shock and amazement at him.His voice was soothing and gentle,almost persuasive.My arm slowly started to move forward closer to his hand.

I small portion of my brain was telling me to grab his hand but another part was telling me to run,I hesitated,"Summer you know this is the right thing to do,"I quickly put my hand by my belt loop where my dagger was,I shook my head vigorously snapping out of my daze.I didn't know why I was going to grab his hand,his voice sounded so charming and soothing but the meaning wasn't.If I chose him I would be stuck in the demon world forever in the darkness,I didn't want that,"No,I'm not staying with you.I would never choose you."

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now