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My vision blurred,my heart pounding with anger I wiped my face and went upstairs.The sound of my heart was loud in my ears drowning the sound of my parents arguing,I opened my bedroom door and grabbed my school bag trying to stuff as many clothes as possible.

I couldn't hear anything only the sound of my blood rushing through my ears,I didn't care if they were upset it was their fault for hiding something from me,the truth.I zipped my bag up and tied my hair up into a ponytail,I quickly went downstairs to see my mum crying in her chair and my dad hugging her he saw me and quickly stood in front of me,"Don't do this Summer you know it's wrong,please!"

He grabbed me but I pushed him away,I couldn't look at the face of a liar.I stomped to the door and opened it I looked back to see my dad kneeling on the floor crying,I held back my tears and left the house.

I didn't know where to go,my mind was flooded with fears and doubts but I carried on marching,I walked to the right side of the street dodging bins and people.I kept on walking until I stopped by a park 'Greenwich park' my legs where aching the pain returned shooting through my bag.

I didn't have any money with me i forget to bring some,I saw a park bench by a tree I sat down and watched people walk by.I was doubting myself,questions pilling in my brain.

I shook my head and pushed the thoughts aside,I saw a man sitting on the grass he had a cardboard that that said 'money for the homeless' a burst of energy erupted through me I felt an urge to help this homeless man.

I rummaged through my bag and found an apple that was meant to be my lunch for school I stood up and walked to the man,"here you go,"I gave him a smile which showed my dimples,the old man looked up he was beaming,"you have shown me kindness,perhaps it is not to late."I glared at the man with confusion,I thought I saw large white wings on the mans back I rubbed my eyes and looked again,"It's not to late."he whispered.

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now