From the beginning

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I stared at the heavenly women in front of me,"I think you must be mistaken,"I say anxiously the women gives an angelic laugh,"you are as funny as me Summer!"She says whilst putting her hand on my shoulder,I turn and look at Daniel but he just shrugs his shoulder I take one step back away from the women,"Now now Summer no need to get scared!I sent Daniel to go and pick you up as it is your 16th birthday!"She says whilst clasping her hands together,my whole body tensed I can't believe what was happening it was obviously a dream,she must of noticed my bewilderment as she stopped smiling at me and stared,her golden eyes shining,"Summer I need to tell you what happened don't get angry at me I had to do it,"
"No.You could of at least sent me a message!"I say shocked,The women turns on her heel and walks back to her seat,"Daniel bring her to her room I'll tell her the whole story there."Daniel grabs my arm roughly and leads me to the door at the back of the room.

"Daniel what's going on!"i whisper Daniel doesn't respond,we walk through a long luxurious corridor filled with dazzling pictures on the red velvet walls,We stop at a tall navy blue door there are two door knobs which are both golden.Daniel opens the door and pushes me inside,"Daniel-"he closes the door shut before I can finish my sentence,I look at the huge room before me a king sized bed is in the middle of the room and of course it's pink,the walls are navy blue with bright suns carefully drawn on them.A large closet is on the right hand side of the room,there's a large window on the left hand side with cushions on the window sill,I walk over to the window and sit down on the sill I can see the heavenly ground outside,the golden path weaving itself through the houses the palace must be high up as I have to look down to see the houses.I hear the door open and I quickly stand up,the golden women steps inside she looks at me then sits on the bed,"This use to be your room,"she whispers,"I never wanted you to leave but I knew it was the right thing to do,your father he-changed before you where born and I knew it was to late,"I saw her wipe her eyes with the back of her hand she sniffled,"Whats your name?"I asked,she looked up and smiled,"Angelica,"she continued,"I made an oath that when you where 16 you would have to choose me or you father,and I am glad you chose me,"She quickly stood up and ran her hands through her dress,"I will send Maureen to get you fitted for the ball!"
"Ball?"I said a bit more harshly then I intended,"yes you are the princess aren't you,"

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