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I looked back at Daniel who shook his head,I fumbled with the pieces together in my head,"Fine but don't tell me I didn't warn you,"I turn and start flying again leaving Alex shell shocked behind me.

It took us 15 minutes for us to get to the clouds and they still had their spark protection,Daniel went through first leaving me and Alex behind,"Alex,you wont make it,"I say to him,his eyes are sparkling with determination,"I will,"As fast as that he pushes himself through the clouds and like he said he made it.I gasp in shock,I go after him through the clouds.

I see Alex standing by the clouds,his wings where closed and his face was pale making his hair look darker than it was.Angels where backing up and whispering words I couldn't here,at once they started throwing things like rocks.Alex backed up and covered his eyes.Large trumpet sounds rippled the air,a large path was formed through the crowd circling Alex.My mother walked through gracefully elongating her legs when she walked,she stopped a few feet away from Alex like he was a rat,"Why are you here and how did you find us,"Alex opened his mouth but nothing came out,i stepped next to Alex allowing the queen to fully see me.Her face relaxed and a wide grin formed in her face,"Summer I knew you would choose us!"She said clapping her hands,"That's not why I came back,Father he's doing something but I don't know what but I think he already started.

"What do you mean!"I was walking by mother towards the lake,I explained how my father was going to attack in some way,"Oh dear!i knew your father was bad but not this bad!"She scratched her chin gracefully,we stopped in front of the lake."What are we gonna do Summer?"I scratched my head thoughtfully,"I don't know,but we'll find a way."

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