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Words brushed passed my ears,darkness fell over me.A dagger stood before me with the name "Raziel"written on its hilt,It's blade was a shinning silver,the hilt was black with swirls that I couldn't understand.I reached out trying to grab it.I opened my eyes to feel something cold touching my hand,I was holding the dagger right in front of me.Daniel was stammering but not saying anything,his eyes where bulging staring right at me,"Raziel,that's the old Angel,Summer your the one,"I stared in shock at the dagger,nothing seemed weird to me except that ever since I touched the dagger my vision seemed sharper.The colours where brighter in front of me.

I threw my dagger onto the target but missed and the dagger ricochet back onto the ground,I huffed in frustration,"You'll get it don't worry!ill help you,"Daniel went behind me and slowly put his arm over my right arm where I was holding my dagger,he grabbed mywridt.My heart beat rose with anxiety,I had never been in that type of situation before I wanted to back away but I knew it was rude,"Ok now keep your eyes on the target and don't panic,"My palms suddenly where sweating and the dagger nearly fell of my hand,I felt Daniel move to cover my hand completely.His hands where small and soft they where also warm,he slowly brought my hand back then forward causing my dagger to spiral forward hitting the middle of the target.Daniel kept his arm over mine and slowly brought it back down,"thanks,"I looked at the ground avoiding his eyes,"it's alright,"I looked up noticing his eyes gleaming under the sunlight which struck onto his golden hair,I heard someone cough behind me.I swivelled to see Alex behind me holding his own dagger.

"Alex!"I quickly took my hand out of Daniels and clumsily walked over to Alex,his hair was messy and was covering his eyes,"Hi Summer,"he was looking behind me at Daniel which was walking forward towards me and Alex,"Why are you here?"I asked,"Your mum asked me to train you,me and Daniel together,"I looked back at Daniel to see his hands turn into fists making his knuckles turn white,this wasn't going to be easy.

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