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2 weeks had gone by and I had been doing pretty well with training however the boys constantly fought over how I should of been trained,one of the days of training it was just me and Alex training.I was working on how to do a spiral in the air whilst flying,"pretty good just keep your legs closer together,"I got down and jumped again listening to his commands,I didn't know where Daniel was.He said he had to go see something,I was able to do a full turn when I heard loud shouts and crashes come from inside.I landed on a crouch and looked up at Alex,his wings where still black but shimmered under the sunlight.His head was craned and was staring inside at the palace,"It's started grab your weapons,"

I ran inside looking around,weapons where being thrown around and bookshelves where on the floor.Angels where flying about in a frantic panic,"Quick!there coming!"A girl shrieked in my ear,I looked back to see Alex by my side with a dagger and a sword,"We need to herd them together,you do that and I'll get more weapons,"he ran of behind a bookshelf,I flew up flapping my wings upwards causing me to have a good view of the whole room.I saw the girl with the fair hair rushing through the crowd giving people different weapons and helping them up,she must of been the leader.I breathed deeply and thought of all the things I could do if I warned everyone,"Everyone!"I shouted out of my lungs,the whole swarm of people turned their heads in unison."We have to be calm!Don't panic!"One person shouted "demon" and "get down",words echoed of the walls bashing onto my ears.I whimpered in silence,everyone started running again and panicking.I looked around frightened,when I heard a loud voice through the air,"Guys!We still have time,and if you don't listen we won't make it!"I looked down to see Daniel flying up near me,he was holding a bow in his hands and some golden arrows in the others,I gasped in relief and surprise.I hugged him tight and ruffled his hair,"thanks!i don't know what I would've down with out you!"
"Don't worry I got some help."

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now