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The crowd was rumbling with shouts and screams of Angels,demons pushed Angels forward towards the end of the streets.I stared far ahead at the hills right in front of the horizon,a crowd was forming in front of the largest hill where someone was standing on top and screaming at the people below.I gasped in anxiety,Agus was behind me and other angels and so was Asha.Daniel was screaming but his voice was muffled because of the gag,the crowd stopped moving causing me to jerk backwards towards Agus.The hill was right in front of us,the night sky was blinking with stars.A roar of fire was audible,I looked up in curiosity.A large fire was a blaze on top of the hill,a tall man was beside it throwing sticks in side it.His head was held high staring at the fire,you could see his black feathers shinning.He suddenly looked down towards my direction,the side of his mouth twitched and turned to a smile causing his sharp fangs to be visible,Dad I whispered.

"Come on you three!"Agus quickly broke the chains which where tying my wings,I sighed in pleasure as I flapped my wings in relief.We where standing by the hill far away from the crowd,Asha broke Daniels and Alex's chains.Daniel shrieked and quickly flapped his wings causing him to fly up to the sky,"Not today kid!"Agus grabbed Daniels foot and dragged him to the floor,I looked down at the ground and sighed.Asha grabbed my arm roughly and hissed,"Don't you even bother!"Agus grabbed Daniels and Alex's arms,"Don't try to escape because we'll find you anyway,"he spat on the ground,"You'll have to fly to the top of the hill with us holding on to you,"Agus smiled,his eyes glistening under the fire,"And we won't let go,"

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