Chapter 2

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  The next day taehyung woke up with a good feeling. He was determined that he would go to university and just be himself again

He got out of the bed and quickly saw the time to notice that he had only an hour before he went to university

He took a bath quickly and put on his blue jeans and white button up shirt and got ready

He went down stairs to find his brother cooking and a box on the dining table. He quietly sat in the chair and waited for jin to notice him.

"Why are you looking gloomy? Don't you want to go to college today? You can stay home if you want!"said Jin suddenly without turning around

"No hyung. I'll go, I'm just tired from traveling, its just jet lag, I'll be fine" said taehyung.

"If you say so.. "

"Eat up. Jimin said he'll come pick you up in five mins "

"I still don't get how jimin came here so fast when he had more stuff to carry than me in that dorm"tae said huffing

You see, yoongi came to help jimin when he was packing and he had moved back here a week ago when taehyung only came yesterday.

Jin just chuckled and didnt say anything about that and said "your lunch box is on the table take it before you leave don't forget it! "

Taehyung just nodded and ate his breakfast and two mins later he heard a car honk in front of his house, he said a quick goodbye to jin and went out to be greeted by jimin and yoongi wearing a scarf, a cap, and a big sunglasses, Cuz he's famous and you know *swag*

"Yo! "

"Hey jimin! "

"Yeah yeah you guys just saw each other last week now go get on the car we're running late already"said yoongi interrupting them before they start their stupid convos that that always do

"But since its ours first day won't the principal be okay with us coming late? "

"Are you seriously implying that you want to be late on your first day of college cuz you wanna talk to jimin,  who will be in mostly all of you classes?? "Said yoongi with an amused face

They both said nothing and just got on the car. The ride to school was quiet and no one talked, tae was listening to music that he always listened to and jimin was on his phone posting photo of him in the car with a caption saying 'started college'

They both said 'goodbye' to yoongi and made their way inside the college

"I got my classes schedule and locker yesterday so I'll be going to my class bye. "

"okay,  but before that tell me where the principal office is? "

"Oh right! I'll lead you until the corridor from there go straight and take a right, if you see a big 'humming bird' statue see to your left, the principal office is right there."

Jimin and taehyung walked in silence  until they reached the corridor and the smaller male turned to left saying 'bye' to tae as he headed to his class.

Taehyung turned to his right and was about to head to the principal room when he saw someone, someone so small, the small unknown wolf had a cobalt blue hair and pale skin, his hair looked so soft, his height was so cute, as the smaller male was only showing his side profile while he was walking tae wanted to see his face-

He was cut out of his thinking when he heard the bell ring loudly indicating that they still had 20mins before class starts, he remembered that he had to go to the office so he started heading there. He went to see that the other new students who were joining today had already got their schedules and lockers and that tae was late.

He quietly knocked on the door, he heard a voice telling him to enter the office, and he did as he was said, the principal was a lady in her mid thirties she had dark bluish green hair and had a pen in her hand as she was signing some paper on her desk.

"Come on in and take a seat"

"Ah yes thank you , I'm taehyung, and also I'm sorry I skipped one month"

"Oh its okay dear, I heard what happened, sometimes you have to give yourself a small break and be ourselves again-"

She was cut off by someone opening the door to her office, taehyung turned 180° to his back to see who it was- and believe me he was shocked- it was the smaller male he saw outside five minutes ago

"Jungkook! You're finally here!! Come on in and take a seat, I'll give you your schedules and you can start your classes!"

This time taehyung got a full display of his beauty, and he also got to know his name -Jungkook-. He was awestruck by jungkook. But he saw that he didnt reply to the principal and just nodded and sat in the chair next to taehyung.

"Jungkook, this is taehyung, taehyung this is jungkook, he is my nephew! He doesn't talk much so don't think that he is rude haha he will be mostly in all of your classes so I hope you guys get along well! "

She introduced suddenly and all that taehyung could say to jungkook was "uh 👋 hi"

Jungkook didn't respond to that too and he nodded his head again but this time he saw taehyung's face

Soon the principal gave them their schedule and locker keys, taehyung and jungkook walked out in silence and walked to the next class as it was the same class for them(as the principal said)

Taehyung and jungkook walked the same way but with a distance.

When taehyung looked at the other people who we're lounging in the corridors he noticed that everyone looked at jungkook with so much respect. He didn't know why jungkook was so famous around here. He didn't understand why everyone was happy he came to the university.

Taehyung entered the class to find out that the class had no teacher and it was so loud and noisy. He quietly went in and sat with jimin who was into the third row of the class.

He saw that jungkook was still not in the class as he stared at the door only to find out that it started to open, in came jungkook which seemed to have quieted the people who were talking so loud.

He still didn't understand why he had such an influence on the student and teachers here

_He must be the topper or something of the class_  thought taehyung

Jungkook calmly walked to the last row of the big class which was completely empty and sat there.
Jungkook took put a notebook and started writing or more like scribbling (in taehyung's eyes)

The class started and the professor started to teach things which obviously bored the students...


Chapter 2 Cuz why not?

And everyone who chose to read my book that you so much... ❤💜

Borahae💜 and have a good day

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