Chapter 25

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Taehyung was on his bed thinking how kissable Jungkook's lips looked. He just wanted to pull him into his arms and just kiss him.

But, of course, he would never want their friendship to be ruined by his mere desires.

But this jungkook returned his gaze. He looked confused but just by seeing the youngers's eyes he could see that he was someone special to jungkook.

He grabbed his pillow next to his head and covered his face and squealed into it. A manly squeal. He is still the top.

Jungkook on the other hand, clutched his shirt right where the heart is, feeling his heart beat which was beating fast. Right after Tae left.

He didn't understand this feeling. It never happened to him when he was with jaehyun. He just classified that it was just from tiredness and he needed to rest. He didn't think too much of it.

Two days passed, it consisted of them always being together and taehyung helping jungkook and jungkook doing the same.

The Next day they are supposed to perform. And jungkook felt nervous.

Ofcourse he doesn't sing in front of others. He always sings alone or in front of taehyung. As days were going he doesn't feel shy to sing in front of taehyung. But only in front of him.

He didn't sing in front of others.

"are you nervous about tomorrow?" taehyung asked in such gentle voice. He didn't want the younger to feel inferior.

Meanwhile, jungkook didn't want to accept that he was indeed nervous. Hoseok asked him, even jimin asked him. He just said he wasn't. But why is it difficult to lie to taehyung.

"yes" said jungkook. Unsure of the answer taehyung might give.

But taehyung wanted to comfort him. Jungkook has anxiety sometimes. He was a pack warrior, But he was afraid of singing in front of a crowd.

"it's okay jungkook we can do it!" assured taehyung.

They went home together that day, as usual, and taehyung stopped in front of the younger's house

"do you wanna practice some more?" asked jungkook, surprising the older.

And Ofcourse, why on earth would taehyung even think of saying 'no' to such an offer.

They practiced some chords and the que on the lines and timings that they wanted to perfect.

"do you think they will like my song and me?" jungkook asked after he was spacing out.

"Yes. Of course! They are gonna love your voice. You're beautiful!" taehyung replied without any hesitation.

Jungkook just flushed a little, while taehyung was scolding himself for crossing the line again. The usual.

They practiced the night away and it was finally it was the day when they had to perform.

Jungkook wore his classic white shirt, blue jeans and timberland boots. He looked at the mirror, thinking about what the older said the day before.

_he said I was beautiful...
Jaehyun never said that to me. Im lucky to have a friend like him. Whoever his mate was, missed a beautiful gem. _

Jungkook went out of his house early that day because he was nervous and he wanted to be there early when no one is there.

But it was like taehyung reads minds, he was outside the youngers house, but this time he had a bike next to him. It was his bike, which he didn't use so that he could walk with jungkook.

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