Chapter 5

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Taehyung woke up with the sun hitting his face through the long white curtains. And also his alarm clock which was ringing so loud. He stopped the alarm and got up from his bed, did his morning routine and dressed up to go to his college.

He went down and saw jin eating bread toast while checking his phone. He quickly ate the toast and for some reason he wanted to go to his college soon. 

He heard the car horn from the outside. He headed to the door and said 'bye hyung' to jin and sat on the car.

The car ride was mostly silent. No one talked and music was playing from the car radio.

When they reached their destination taehyung got out of the car and said the same 'bye yoongi hyung and thank you' and headed to his class.

He was at his first class which was math and he noticed that jungkook sat in the same place as yesterday.

For some reason taehyung thought that he wanted to know more about him.  _why am I being like this_ he thought.

Finally when it was lunch break he asked jimin "who is that blue haired boy?? ". Believe me when I say this he had a big conflict in his mind if he can this question or not.

"Oh you mean jungkook? "


"Wait- you dont know jungkook?? " asked jimin with a surprised tone

"Am I supposed to know? "

"Come on you must atleast know he is famous right? "

"Yeah I know that, but why? "

"Oh that's cuz he is an omega"

"Ohh...Wait- what??  Really?? Aren't male omegas really rare? "

"Yeah they are rare and you know the main part of it,  he is a fighter too. He is kinda like the main fighter in the pack. He got good skills at it. The only problem is that since he is an omega his healing takes time and he also stands up for weak omegas"

"Wow he's awesome"

"I know "

"How come I have never seen him before tho? "

"Oh that's cuz he was home schooled, you know how parents are, over protective and stuff"

"And why is he so cold-"

Before he could finish his question the bell rang indicating the end of lunch break. Jimin has history and taehyung had geography so they parted ways.

Taehyung wanted to ask jimin about  it but then jimin might think he is interested in jungkook, which he is. But its just that taehyung didn't show interest in anyone other than his mate......well, former mate.

As jungkook entered his geography class he noticed that taehyung was looking at him. He went to last row as usual and sat there. Taehyung hadn't taken a seat yet. He just entered the class a second before jungkook. Since jungkook was sitting alone taehyung thought he can sit with him.

"Can I sit with you? "

"...." Jungkook just nodded.

"Thank you"

The class started and the professor was blabbering all the information on geography and it was simply boring.

Jungkook was scribbling something on a plain unruled note and also had a note which seems to be the one where he writes the notes of geography, opened. He was doing something on the other note and he wrote the notes in middle of it.

Taehyung was simply curious and looked over to jungkook's side to see that he was drawing a beautiful scenery with trees and creepers and flowers a person in the middle of it. But it had something that caught taehyung's eyes


The person looked lonely in the beautiful background which Taehyung related to.

He thought _is jungkook lonely? Is that why he is so......expressionless? He looks sad too. Did something happen to him that made him like this?_

The class soon ended. Now Taehyung had to get to his next class. He was walking down the hall and saw that there was an omega alone surrounded by rouges.

Rouges. Rogues are people who don't belong in a pack. They be on their own. They we're first not allowed where everyone else were but that was a long time before, now rouges can be anywhere, if they ever do something to a pack member the alpha of that pack will deal the issue.

"Where is the money and the thing I told you to buy?"said the rouge.

"H-here is t-the money, b-but I c-cant buy b-beers bec-cause I'm un-underage"

The rouge was about slap the omega. This was happening at the end of the hall and Taehyung was in the middle of the hall. _he might slap the omega before I get there_ thought Taehyung as he fastly ran towards the group.


There was a sound but it wasn't the sound of a slap. Taehyung saw what was happening I'm front of him. It was jungkook.

jungkook held the rouge's hand before it reached the omega. He smacked away his hand and the rouge was now angry with the intruder. He tried to punch jungkook on the face(a/n: his beautiful and hot face) but he was quick and caught the hand with ease. They all started throwing punched at him but he dodged all of them but he did get hit once and also managed to punch and kick them too.

Taehyung was amazed by the blue haired male. When the rogues finally gave up he said "I will get back at you again!! "And ran away.

He helped he omega up who was now on their knees. The omega got up and hugged jungkook and thanked him and went away.

taehyung was amazed by his flawless fighting and all but when he saw the omega hug him he felt a tightness in his chest. He didn't know why....

He went to see if jungkook was okay

"Are you okay? "

Right then people started gathering after they found out that there was a fight. Also because they heard the fight was between a rouge and jungkook.

"Yeah i'm fine" said jungkook

Taehyung heard low gasps by people who were around them. _Is him talking such a miracle?,  why is everyone shocked?_ thought Taehyung.

Right then Taehyung saw blood and scrapes on jungkook's knees and hand so he thought that he had to dress his wounds. He was shocked to know that jungkook didn't feel the pain when he scratched his hands and knees

"OMG! Your bleeding! Let me take you to the nurse's office"said Taehyung and started pulling jungkook towards the infirmary.

Jungkook just let him be pulled by Taehyung.



Hey everybody! An update cuz I didn't update for 4 days.

This chapter is dedicated to my friend's friend
Read her story *the golden tree* its really 🌟 awesome

I'll update whenever I can and who ever is reading this story I just wanted to thank them for trying out my story.

Be yourself show what you can do.

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