Chapter 3

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After what felt like hours,  the class was over and they had a short break before class again.

Taehyung decided he would go to cafeteria and see his friend.

He quickly caught a glimpse of jungkook before he headed to the cafeteria and he saw that jungkook had connected his earphones and started to walk out.

He then went to see his friend and bought melon bread and jimin bought milkshake. They both we're talking when he saw the blue haired boy walk into the cafeteria.

He stared for 5 secs and realized what he was doing and directed his face at jimin.

Jimin was oblivious. He was texting yoongi so he didn't catch tae staring at  a certain someone.

Taehyung also noticed that jungkook was not alone. He was with a taller person. The unknown male was having Greyish silver hair. He looked young and the Greg hair was obviously not due to old age. He had an alpha aura around him.
Sure,  He was cheerful too, seeing how he was smiling next to jungkook.

"Who is he? " asked taehyung unconsciously

"Who is who?" Questioned jimin

"Uhhh no one, I was.....uhh.......randomly saying that" said taehyung looking at jungkook's direction.

Jimin looked at where tae was looking and saw two people -in which one was talking and the other was quiet- he thought that tae was referring to jung hoseok.

"That's jung hoseok"


"The person you are staring at.....he is jung hoseok,  he is our dance teacher, and he is legit awesome, you should've seen him dance it was amajing". (a/n : 😂 LOL)

Taehyung was sure that the blue haired boy was jungkook, so he thought maybe his friend was talking about the other male. He was about to correct his friend and say that he was staring at jungkook but decided not to ask that

"Oh you mean the silver haired guy? "


Taehyung was about to ask jimin what his next class was....but the bell rang interrupting him in mid-sentence.

"Huh?  Did u say something? "

"Yeah what's your next class?? "

"I have geography but I'm pretty sure you next class is history?"

You see, jimin is just doing an extra year in fashion designing so he has the same lectures from before but a few classes are not included in that.
Like designing for extra two hours.

"Yeah I have history, guess I'll see you in lunch. 👋 bye! " replied taehyung before getting up from his spot and went to his class.

To his surprise jungkook was there in this class too. He was happy he could see him half the university time. He secretly wished he would be in all his classes.

-time skip-   (a/n Cuz I'm lazy)

As the class was over taehyung let out a sigh as history was something he didnt like _why did I even pick this class_ he thought and went to see his friend again

"Yo I missed you already"

"Jimin hyung its been literally 2 hours, stop being a drama queen"

"Yeah yeah whatever! only I know the pain of studying an extra year of this stupid college so that I could get accepted at my dream company"

"Hyung, jin hyung told me to give you a lunch box too, he made for me and he told me that you should eat it too"said taehyung not caring for jimin’s whine before.

"What? Really? Tell jin hyung 'thank you' " said jimin before he started eating.

Taehyung was eating too. But his eyes we're searching for jungkook.

When he finally found jungkook entering the cafeteria, he saw the same taller male -who goes by the name hoseok- pulling his hand, he made jungkook sit in a table in the corner and brought food and made jungkook eat, jungkook first refused but he started eating after a while.

As they finished eating he saw out from the window that it looked like it was going to rain. Taehyung was wondering if he had brought an umbrella if ever it rains when was leaving for home.

The same way the classes went as taehyung learned that jungkook was basically in all his classes except science.

Finally when he was about to leave for his home he was glad that it wasn't raining yet. _maybe its not gonna rain for now_ thought taehyung as he spotted yoongi hyung from outside the entrance leaning on his car

"Why am I babysitting you guys? Can't you guys come home on your own? I mean taehyung has his bike and jimin,  you have your car why don't you guys drive?"said yoongi as they got on the car.

"Come on hyung, its our first day after summer break, why don't you drive us to college for a week and I'll have sleep over at your house, we can watch movie that you pick" said jimin with no other motive

"Okay that's a better deal" said yoongi with no other motive too, the yoomin couple we're not intimate, they just enjoyed each others company.

"Okay let's stop before you both start you cheesy convos" interrupted tae

They drove back to taehyung house first and left him there and went to Jimin's house to grab clothes for the sleepover.

Taehyung entered his house to see jin on the couch with namjoon. Jin hyung was holding namjoons hand as that was a scary movie and jin was scared. This made taehyung remember his mate. He cleared his mind and went to his room, and flopped on his bed right after he took off his shoes.

He was going on in his phone and half an hour later he thought that he would visit his favorite park that he used to go all the time while he was here.

He got up and wore casual clothes and went out of his room, he closed the door and went to hall to inform jin where he was going.

"Taetae take an umbrella! It look like it would rain" said jin with concern

"Yes hyung" replied tae and he fled off



Sorry this chapter is boring and its all fillers
Next chapter tae and kookie will finally talk with each other

And again thank you so much for choosing to read my book!


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