Chapter 24

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"okay then. Tell Jin-hyung about it. I don't have all the groceries so he could bring some to my house and we can have dinner together." jungkook said with a bunny smile. Happy about eating together.

Maybe this would help him forget about that matters that are useless.
Tae informed Jin about it while they were working together on the song until Jin arrived.


" of course he wouldn't come here. He is such a sore loser. That scaredy cat...
Well it would have taken less energy but now I need to spend my precious time and energy on kidnapping him"
The man sighs.

Jaehyun stood next to the man. Looking at the man and the way to the entrance of the playground that he was supposed to meet jungkook half and hour ago.

"well it's not gonna be easy. He is also a well known pack fighter...
But are you sure he is the one?
He is just a wimp. I don't think he will be able to do something like that"
Said jaehyun.

"are you questioning me?" the said man asked in a terrifying tone. But jaehyun was used to it by now.

"no. I'm in a doubt. I'm clarifying."
Snickered jaehyun

"you know it's good to doubt.
And I'm sure. It's him. My skills are way better than anyone here." the man smiled evilly and went back into the forest, knowing the omega won't come here anymore.


Jungkook ate with Jin, namjoon and taehyung after finishing their cake that Jin initially wanted to bake.

Jungkook felt so happy to eat with people like this. It like he belonged somewhere. Not alone.

He was strong and all. But if your heart is weak you lose all strength to fight back.

He was strong before jaehyun too. Jaehyun didn't show that much interest in the younger after the younger said that he doesn't want to be marked. Jungkook wanted to wait until he was old enough.

Two years he focused on studying but never said no when jaehyun wanted him to be with him.

He gave all of his attention to jaehyun when he wanted it. But it wasn't enough. Jaehyun was always wanting to mark him.

There were maybe sometimes jaehyun cared for him. But after he rejected, every thing was clear, that he only cared for him whenever there were people around. He fell in love with jaehyun even though the latter was usually disinterested in him. He always ignored jungkook. Goes to parties and doesn't even care if he was okay or not.

And after jungkook asked about jaehyun's actual father, he snapped at him. He went on saying 'I didn't tell anyone why would I say it to you? I didn't even tell the alpha'

He was hiding something about his father, but nobody understood why.
When jungkook wanted to know, he didn't tell him and went to a party and got laid. That's when jungkook found out what he did and jaehyun rejected him.


Jin reached out to his bag which was next to him, and got out steel chopsticks and passed it to namjoon who just broke the wooden ones.

"uhm soory about that" said namjoon to jungkook.

While jungkook just gave amused looks at the namjin couple. It's like Jin knew this would happen. Jin didn't even look at namjoon when he broke it. He knew what sound it was and just did his job.

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