Chapter 8

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They walked quietly to the school and went to their usual classes. And as always the classes were boring. When it was finally lunch break the students ran out of their classes like rampaging animals released from their cages.

Taehyung went to the cafeteria and ate with jimin as always but he didn't find jungkook for the first 15 mins of the break, after 15 mins he was found pulled by hoseok, the dance teacher, and he made him sit in a table and stuffed food into his mouth.

Tae was curious as to why jungkook wad avoiding eating. He was mostly forced to eat his food by 'his friend'.
_why does hoseok care so much about him? He is always around jungkook, and jungkook smiles sometimes around him too. it just feels weird but I don't understand what I feel_

Lunch break was over so fast, _why does lunch break get over so fast but other periods take decades to get over?!?_ thought taehyung. -_-

Thankfully his next period will be music which wouldn't be all boring.
He went to the music class and he didn't see jungkook there, not gonna lie, he was a little bit disappointed.

"As you guys know, the information on the notice board, we are having school festival where students from other school can come for looking at our school incase they are willing to join the next year. There will be a music related programme hosted by us. There is still two weeks left for that so we have to now start focusing on the programme. Now who is willing to help out for cleaning the instruments in the main auditorium?"
Asked the music professor to which no one responded.

Taehyung would have raised his hand of someone else did too. But when he saw around the class no was interested in that and the professor said "come on, can't atleast one person raise their hand?"

Taehyung felt bad, and also he was strong so he thought _maybe i'll help, that way I can skip all the other boring classes, and i'll be excused Bcuz I was helping the music teacher_

"Oh finally! Thank you so much for assisting!" Said the professor as soon as taehyung raised his hand.

"Your welcome, but sir I don't know how to get there can you tell me? "
Said taehyung as he made his way to the door.

The Professor told him the way and he marched happily towards the auditorium, as he reached the main door he heard humming (by someone).

He thought maybe someone was practising so he decided to go through the backdoor without any disturbance. When he opened the backdoor to the stage he saw a familiar blue head sitting in the piano stool and he was about to sing something. Taehyung thought his initial thought 'to not disturb'.
He wanted to hear his voice.

_he was singing this_

"But I still want you......."

As he said those words left jungkooks mouth a tear rolled down his eyes, his voice cracked.

Taehyung was standing behind him so jungkook didn't know that someone was behind him. As tae came to help here with cleaning, other students felt bad sending only him alone so they all came and also we're surprised by just jungkook's voice.

(A/N: if u didn't understand how they stood then its like this:)

(A/N: if u didn't understand how they stood then its like this:)

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(And that is the stage)

After some lines he said "but I still want you....." Again and finished the song.

"Wow! " said taehyung unconsciously

Jungkook turned his head 180° degrees and saw taehyung, jungkook was with a surprised face and teary eyes, Which Taehyung took notice of.

He abruptly got up from his seat and went off the stage to the door to only notice that all his classmates from his class and mostly everyone were standing outside hearing his voice.

He went past them and headed to the rooftop.

While taehyung stood there awestruck by his angelic voice. But that made him think of the reason why he sang that song. _did something happen?? Why did he cry while he was singing? Did he have a boyfriend or something? What if- "

Tae was brought out of his thought by someone calling him. It was the teacher. "What happened? Why was jungkook running to the roof top? "

_oh so he is at the rooftop! " thought tae. "Uhhh I don't know sir, he was singing then he cried, he didn't know we were here, so when he noticed he ran away ".

"Oh will you go look for him? To check if he is okay? "

"okay sir, i'll do it! "

Tae went up the stairs and reached the rooftop. He slowly opened the door, to see that jungkook was looking at the sky filled with white puffy clouds which almost hid the sun.

"Uhm....are you....Okay? "

Jungkook quickly wiped his tears and turned back. " okay now. "

" but you were 'not okay' before"


"I guess everyone has their own problems, but keeping it inside can be really you want you can talk to me about it...."

Jungkook gave him a confused look

"Well, u seem like a good person, and you're kind and all, but you seem to keep everything to yourself..."
Tae saw his face and continued
"Talking to someone will really help, don't worry I wont tell it to anyone!! "

" its been hard for me and I don't think im ready to talk about it"
Said jungkook

Taehyung took notice of an accent in his english, "Woah thats the longest sentence ive ever heard you talk.......sorry...... Anyway, i understand that its hard bcuz im a new person, so I could start with mine.... " tae saw jk's face
Jungkook gave a nod of approval to continue

For some unknown Reason Tae wanted to share something about him to jungkook and wanted to know something about jungkook. He wanted to know him better.

"I didn't find my mate so soon...its took me two years to see the person that the moon goddess has selected for me, when I finally found that person, he......went away from me....Forever" tae had tears swell in his eyes but he stopped it from falling..

" sorry"

"Its okay....
Waaahhhh it feels so much better after telling about it to someone,
But you don't have to tell me, I just wish we could be friends......will you?"


Uploading the next day after an update cuz why not?

Actually I wrote this chapter yesterday but I was so sleepy so it had a lot of grammar mistakes
Now I had to edit

Any ways im so freaking happy that the comeback is today!!!!!!
Everybody stream  "ON" In YouTube and let's get them more views
Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter, there will be a lot of main story parts yet to come
Don't be a silent reader and please comment, it helps me know that someppl are actually reading this (who im really thankful for)

You can do anything if you put your heart into it

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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