Chapter 17

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This meme 👆 killed me 😂.
it made me think what I would name my kids and what would you guys name your kids?

Hope you guys are healthy. Be safe and secure. We can fight this pandemic together.


When he turned and saw what it was

"Is that a TIGER?!? " he let out a shriek

"Don't worry, he won't hurt you... " said jungkook assuring taehyung

The said tiger just walked away and sat on a little space near jungkook (he was already crowded).

"They're friendly. See! " said jungkook smiling as he proved his point.

Tae got carried away with his smile and forgetting all the dangerous creatures around him.

"So why don't we start with my song?"
Asked jungkook taking tae out of his trance

"Uh yeah sure! " said tae as he took out his notebook and all essential stuff

Then a lot of chirps were heard as a bird came and put a lavender on tae's head and sat in front of him.

As tae picked the flower and looked at it, jungkook face turned a little upset.

"Uh I'm sorry abt that" said jungkook

"Uhm I don't understand? Why are you sorry?"  said tae confused

"Oh u don't know the flower language?"

"Oh uh no I don't know. Why? What does lavender mean? " tae asked as he thought maybe it means hate or something bcuz it upset jungkook.

"It means distrust" said the younger hesitating

"Oh" was he could reply as he thought that the animals won't let him be near jungkook.

"Its okay. I prove to them that I'm harmless" said tae looking at jk's upset expression.
Jungkook then smiled and started playing out the tune in his keyboard to show tae

As tae said he would help with the song, he was writing lyrics that fit the song witth jungkook's lyrics.

While writing he could finally put his thoughts in order which was a mess in the last half an hour.

_so first I'm angry that stupid mate guy rejected him. Like, how can someone cheat on this pure angel?? Just looking at his cute face brings a smile to anyone. And I'm sad he had go through all of that. He must have been crying. And from what he said, I think jungkook liked that guy. Ugh! I don't even wanna see that guys face. Ever. And there is another fact. And I don't wanna admit it. I really don't want to admit it. It makes me feel like a bad person. But its true. Its true that I feel happy. I'm happy he doesn't have a mate. Ugh! I'm a loser.
Mostly people who lost their mates or got rejected, find another person. Even if they're not mates. Some people get paired again by the moon goddess but its rare. And I don't want to force me on him. I'll just stay by his side. Its more than enough for me_  taehyung was snapped back to reality when jungkook waved his hand infront of his face.

"You were spacing out"

"Oh sorry I was thinking of a line but I don't know how to put it to words... "

"Oh what were you thinking of?" Asked jungkook curious and kind of glee he had a helping hand for his favorite song

"I don't know. Its like, I want to cry thinking of all the things that happened and shout and yell at god. I finally enjoyed my life. I did have a good time during those times. It hurts But somewhere in my heart I want to accept and move on. I want to start over... " said tae and looked at jungkook as he said the last sentence. It went unnoticed by the younger.

"Don't you.... Dare let our best memories.... Bring you... Sorrow?" Said jungkook trying to put it in words.

"Wow that's..... That's actually.... Perfect" said tae as he listened and gave a smile which was returned.

They went on doing their works and didn't look at the time. When it was lunch break and jungkook was not at school hoseok gave him a call to check on him.

"Hello hyung"
'Jungkook-ah where are you? '
"Hyung I'm with taehyung... In the garden behind school"
'Oh ok but its lunch time, and you should eat, so get back here! '
"Hyung I'll eat with with taehyung and come back before the next period starts"
'Oh you don't to come the next period classes are canceled'
"Huh? But why? "
'Oh that's because of the rouge attack nearby the forest. So they cancelled the classes'
"Oh okay then I'll just head back home, bye"

"Come we have to get out of here! " said jungkook in a hurry.

"Wait what happened?? " asked tae confused

"There is a nearby rouge attack, its also near this forest, we better get home"

"Okay" tae agreed and got up and held out a hand so jungkook could get up.

Jungkook looked at the hand infront of him then at tae, and held onto his hand and got up.

While jungkook was leading the way out, all taehyung could see was his hand that held his soft, smooth, beautiful pale hands.

When they reached infront of jungkook's house, the older got a call.

'Tae where are you? '
"Hyung I'm infront of jungkook's house"
'Oh ok then just stay at his house for a while, the rouges are apparently looking for someone. That's the information I got. We don't know who it is. Don't go roaming outside. Ask his permission and stay there. '
"Is it that dangerous?" Asked tae but before jin could start a lecture about life he interrupted and said "ok hyung I got it! I'll stay here! Byeee! " and hung up the call

"Uh hey hyung said the attack might be dangerous and told me to stay here. You're also alone. So? "

"Oh thts fine with me" said jungkook nonchalantly

"How are you so calm abt letting me come inside your house when I'm freaking" muttered the older under his breath

"Huh? Did u say something? "

"What? No. I was just carrying the keyboard" said tae, suddenly coming up with an excuse.

"Ok then. Make yourself at home."



Hey guys thank you for reading my story and being patient with me.

My friend started a new story called my savior love
She only posted the first chapter today
So I hope you give her support

Thank you taking your time to read this!

Like comment and vote. 💜

and I really really really hope everyone is safe. please be safe. Our army family is so big to know everyone but remember that it will still be incomplete without a single person. Please be safe.


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