Chapter 7

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Yeah I know I said I'll update in mid of march but fortunately my exams are over soon so imma update another chapter!! Hope u guys enjoy!


Jin's voice was mostly heard in taehyung's house as jungkook and jin were baking a red velvet cake for a customer in Jin's restaurant.
A couple are gonna celebrate a one year anniversary so they had ordered a special cake which is what jin and jungkook are doing.

They were making it together but jungkook didn't talk much which was normal nowadays. Jin doesn't mind it.


Jin heard his phone ringing suddenly so he called for taehyung to see who it was "tae can you see who it is ? "

"Yes hyung" obliged taehyung and saw the caller id and it was namjoon. "Hyung, its namjoon hyung"

"Oh tell him that I'll call him in five mins" answered jin and took out the cake which they had kept in the freezer after baking it.

They had to add the decorations(writing their name and stuff) on the cake with the plain white cream made with powdered sugar and vanilla essence.

As jin saw the cake was cooled enough he told jungkook "jungkook I'll write the words and design on the cake but can you just make me the cream for it? Please?? "

"Hyung you don't have to ask me" jungkook said plainly with a very small smile.

"Ok then I'll leave it to you, I just have to attend the call from namjoon" said jin and he went to the hall to pick up his phone.

Jungkook took out all the ingredients for the cream except the powdered sugar, he was searching for it until he found out that it was on the top shelf.

Taehyung had come to the hall a few mins ago as jin called him, so he decided he would take a peek at jungkook while he's there.

When he went inside the kitchen pretending like he wanted a glass of water, he saw that jungkook was on his tippy toes trying to reach for something.

Taehyung couldn't resist his cuteness and thought he'd help the short male. He went near him and stood back of him towering his small figure, and reached for the container.

Jungkook was shocked at first that tae decided to help, but tae took out the container and gave it to him, so he just said 'thank you' and accepted his help.

Now taehyung was doing everything very slowly _this way I could see his face a little longer..........wait did I really think that?? I've been losing my mind since I saw him_ thought Taehyung.

As soon as jin entered the kitchen taehyung left and jungkook finished Making the cream. "Thank you so much jungkook, I don't know what I would do without you" said jin. Jungkook gave jin a weak smile as usual and said "hyung I have an assignment that I have to make I'll head home, bye hyung"

"Ohh that's okay, do u want me to come leave you at your house?" Said jin

Taehyung's ears we're perked up as soon as he noticed the words "jungkook's house".

"Hyung I live just two blocks away and im the pack fighter but you are still scared of me going alone?" Jungkook's voice held a expression-less tone tho, not one of a smirk or amused.

Jin giggled and said "ok then, take care, eat well, bye."

Jungkook hummed as a response and headed home, now back to Taehyung as he found out that jungkook lives nearby, he was feeling glee for some unknown reason(a/n: unknown for him and known for us) the day went by normally as usual since he had some catching up to do in his classworks and he also had the same assignment given to jungkook cuz they we're in the same class.

As the day rolled by it was morning already and taehyung woke up rather early that day, which doesn't happen normally, he got ready and packed his bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast, "who are you? What did you do with my taehyung? Tell me!!" Said jin as soon as taehyung came down "hyung you can't say that just bcuz I came early today".

"Yeah that's bcuz you're never early......what's the matter? Is something bothering you? "

_how am I supposed to tell him that I wanted to walk to school today bcuz I might get a chance to see jungkook and his house_ thought tae and said "no hyung its nothing, I just didn't feel like sleeping in today"

"Oh okay then, take you lunch box and don't forget to take your assignment you did all night! " reminded jin

"Omg I almost forgot, thanks hyung, byeeeee" tae went to his room and kept the papers in his bag then headed to school.

He went exactly two blocks away from his house fast then he started walking slowly from there. He didn't exactly know his house so he was looking for any signs of jungkook. Which he didn't get.

Suddenly he saw someone getting getting out of their house and instantly he knew it was jungkook. he can recognise that blue head anywhere. Jungkook slowly came to the same sidewalk that taehyung was in and taehyung just walked with him. When taehyung caught up with jungkook he thought he had to say something to get the younger male's attention.

"Hi" is what he said after thinking for a long time _seriously!? Is 'Hi' the only thing you could come up with!? _ taehyung mentally scolded himself.

Jungkook didn't see taehyung near him so he was genuinely surprised and just nodded to taehyung as a response.

taehyung took out an umbrella and went to the right side of jungkook and held it sideways
(A/N: like this =>       jk |th--}[] road    , if u can understand that lol)

Jungkook looked at him and he knew its not raining and also tae is not holding the umbrella upwards so he was confused as to what taehyung was doing. He simply gave tae a questioning look, to which tae understood and explained. "Well since it rained here yesterday there are so many puddles...." Jungkook quickly looked at him as soon as he mentioned 'rain' (there is an explanation as to why jungkook looks at tae as he mentions rain but you will get to know it later) and turned back his eyes to the road and tae continued "if a car goes by-"

It was like on que that a motorcycle went in a raging speed and splashed dirty water (a/n: hehee *insert jhope voice*) on them and thankfully tae's umbrella saved them from getting all wet.

"See?  What did I tell you, it always happens when I was abroad hehee" said tae with a box smile. He saw jungkook's face and it was not emotion-less as always but surprised that tae had predicted correctly and gave a nod as an answer to taehyung. Taehyung suddenly noticed that he, himself was smiling and it was not a forced one, it was a true one...



Thank youuuuuuu for reading my story I know its trash and so slow but I'm just writing whatever comes to my mind. Im just writing this for fun and I'm actually quite surprised that I atleast got ten ppl reading this
Also don't be silent reader and comment, its what keeps me going!
So thank you everyone!!!

Do what you wanna do even if the whole world brings you down!

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