Chapter 19

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Jungkook's face beamed as he said "yes"

He was simply happy that, even now the older is trying to make him feel better.

As they went to the kitchen and tried making their favorite foods and ramen.
They had fun while doing it and jungkook didn't smile this much in the last four months and he was grateful that he decided to trust and let the older in his life.

They ate and cleaned the dishes together and now it was time to sleep. So jungkook had to ask which the alpha prefers

"There is another room next to mine above the stairs. But since I never really got any guests there is no bed there but it has a very fluffy futon. It's really comfy. You can go wash up and sleep." said jungkook

Tae did NOT expect this. He thought there was only one room. After he heard jungkook, he didn't know what to say so that he could sleep with him. It's not like he could just go ahead and say 'hey I don't like the other room I wanna sleep with you'.

He had to think of a way to do it. He kept thinking of excuses like 'the light is not working' or 'the room is cold' jungkook has warmers, _how about 'Im scared of the dark'? Pff.. He won't believe that, I need a good excuse, I'm being too selfish and desperate but honestly I don't care. I really wanna kiss his cute and beautiful face but I can't do that. So I have to settle with something simple and I really wanna sleep next to him_

He washed up and changed to his gym clothes he had carried in his bag pack.
Taehyung didn't notice that he was standing In front of the room looking Inside while pondering on something. But jungkook did.

"is something wrong, do u not like to sleep alone?" asked jungkook when he saw taehyung's actions

_perfect!! Omg thank you jungkook. Now all I have to do is lie to him that I'm scared, and he'll agree to my request!!.......why do I feel like I'm manipulating him. Im really not doing that.... Ugh! Curse these feeling_ he thought playfully as found a way

"uhh yeah kinda... I do sleep alone but this is a new place so..." he trailed off, looking at Jungkook in the corner of his eyes.

"oh okay then, let me put that futon in my room" said jungkook leaving Taehyung in his place and went to grab the above mentioned.

Now just as Tae is wondering how the younger agreed so fast was because jungkook was really feeling happy today and for the first time in these four months he didn't want to be alone. He always wanted to be alone after the problem with jaehyun but it's the first he is feeling this way and he just couldn't understand what is making him feel like it. He enjoys the company of the older. He yearns more of tae's attention. But it feels wrong.

As they both finally went to bed jungkook was fast to sleep as he had so much running in his head and he felt tired. But that was not the same in tae's case.
He was wide awake.

First of all, Jungkook's room smelled like flowers and honey. Like jungkook. His room was very comfy with all soft colors. He had a lot of hangings around the walls and Three dream catchers. Who has three??!
His desk had cute sticknotes that said inspirational quotes. It was not written by him. It was by his friend, other omega's (who he might have helped) and even Jin-hyung. He had a window right above his head but it was tinted.

So when the moonlight entered the room is was blue.
And you where it landed?

On Jungkook's face.
It lit up his features. Making taehyung get a clear view of his face. His not-so dark or light blue hair was shining under the light blue light from the moon. His face looked so peaceful as if he had nothing to worry about. His tiny mole under his lips which was a bonus to his beauty. His long eyelashes and his cute little button nose and that cute lips he wanted to kiss for so long. Everything about jungkook just made taehyung question his sanity. He was not perfect. And that made him perfect.

Tae was just staring at his face and drifted to sleep.

-time skip-

Taehyung heard sounds of heavy breathing and very tiny whimpers. As he was a light sleeper he woke up.

He saw that Jungkook's eyebrows were narrowed and he looked troubled.

"please don't leave me..."



Heyo guys

I wrote half of next chapter if you guys want I'll to update it today

Hope you guys are safe.
Please stay healthy.

Borahae 💜

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