Chapter 16

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Ok first idk how but chapter 14 has 70+ views and chapter 13 had 48 views 😂
I don't understand the logic of wattpad but anyways, onwards with the story

"N-Now? Uhh okay sure!" Said taehyung that jungkook agreed to it faster than he thought. He was so happy that he is getting to know more about jungkook but he still wanted to keep a wall between them. It was subtle but it was enough. He didn't want any problems.

As they kept walking the way to the place jungkook was talking about, taehyung was keeping his eyes on him the whole time. He saw how jungkook got happy to go there. How happy he was to share something special to him.

Taehyung also noticed that the way was quite peaceful, it was quiet and it smelled of herbal woods, nothing was heard than the small chirps of birds and a distant river.

When they finally reached taehyung's eyes widened. It was marvelous. It was so beautiful to just look at. It had a slowly running lake which was bright blue and trees everywhere around. He turned to see jungkook who's eyes shined, just like taehyung's. To see a beauty amidst the surrounding.

Suddenly taehyung heard a hiss. His faced turned to the side where the sound was coming from. It was behind jungkook. The hiss sounded like it belonged to a snake.

Then he rustles beneath the grass turned towards him and came to him.

"Ahh" taehyung let out a small sound
When a snake jumped right at his face, thankfully he caught its mouth by hand and kept looking at it in terror.

"Viper no" said jungkook as he saw what just happened. It was more like a command and taehyung was wondering who this 'viper' was.
"I said no" he repeated and the snake that kept moving in tae's hand stopped its movement and was still.

Taehyung was shocked was an understatement. He was shook. _did that snake just listen to his commands?? What the-_

He then saw around jungkook a lot of animals. They were all different types but one thing was common. They all glared at taehyung.

Taehyung was just confused cuz he didn't do anything wrong to piss off these woodland creatures.

"Guys he is my friend" said jungkook with a slow understanding tone.

They looked at him confused then at taehyung then sat down. They were not leaving any space near jungkook so that tae can sit. He had to sit with a distance. Tae was jealous but he was in no position to think that way. Atleast that's what he thinks.

"How do they listen to you? " tae asked wanting to know abt the sudden attack

"I don't know, they have always been friendly to me just like I was friendly to them." Said with a cute smile, stroking the head of a deer which laid its head on his lap.

"Well, I'm happy that you're happy And not sad, when you come here" tae said genuinely

" I seem sad all the time, most people think I'm just angry and act this way" jungkook replied

"Why would you be angry? For what reason would you be angry? Why do they think that? " taehyung asked confused _I mean, he is sweet, quiet, cute, beautiful, caring person. why would anyone think that?_ he thought

"Oh you didn't know?" Jungkook's said which was true. Tae didn't know much about Jungkook and he was sad about that fact.

"What....did I not know?" Tae asked confused

"I'm sad all the time because I couldn't get over it, my mate cheated on me... "

"Oh... Im sorry....
But why would he do that, you're an awesome person" tae said attempting to comfort the younger.

"I only knew about him after I was 19, we saw each other during summer break of last year. He said he loved me and we were dating. He was the adopted son on the pack's alpha, we didn't know where he came from but he was a family too, alpha never made him feel left alone. One day he said he found his father (he said it by accident) , but he didn't want to reveal who it was, I casually asked him one day and he got angry and we fought, he didn't talk much after that, we kept seeing each other for very less time. But whenever we see he kept saying he wanted to take things fast between us. I didn't want that. Then he tried to force me too but it didn't work. I, then later found out that he was cheating. When I confronted him about it, he......rejected me as his mate... "
When Jungkook's finished with tear staining eyes, tae let out a shocked gasp.

_that motherf#$%π& rejected him?? How can someone do that to someone like him?? Look at how innocent and cute his face is!! When I find that guy I'mma kill him. _ tae was angry but Jungkook's next words made him soften

"I never talked to anyone about this... I don't know why but I thought I will trust you, that's why I told you"

Sudden realisation hit taehyung as he remembered Jungkook's was an omega "wait.. You're an omega, and omegas can't take rejection well, won't it physically hurt them? Is that why you didn't attend college for the first three months? "

Jungkook's was amazed how taehyung connected the pieces quickly "yes, I couldn't wake up for two months (from june and july) but I was awake for the next month (August) but I didn't talk to anyone, no body knows what actually happened but they know that I got rejected. I was also a pack fighter so a lot of people know me."

"I went through something like this too, that's why I didn't attend for the first three months just like you... " tae said wanting to share something about him. He trusted jungkook the same way jungkook trusted him.

Jungkook looked at tae in a way to tell him to continue. And that's what tae did.

"I didn't find my mate for four years. It took a long time and I finally found him six months ago. He was tall, up to my height. He was really fun to be with. I liked him. He was a pack fighter too just like me. We fight together sometimes. Three months ago I had to attend class and he had to go fighting a rouge outbreak. There were other people with him, he wasn't alone. But he left me alone... "
A lone tear escaped taehyung's eyes as he spoke the next part
"He left me before I could even love him with all my heart... "

"I'm so sorry... " said jungkook. He felt that he shouldn't brought this up as he saw taehyung's tears

"Its okay. If its one thing I learnt from my mother its to move on. Life was never a straight path. Its the most chaotic pathway ever. You'll never know where you'll end up. We have to believe everything is for the best. If u can't then change your way, make your own path where you'll be happy."

Taehyung suddenly shouted "what was that?!? "
As he turned back to see a creature nuzzling its head to comfort him.

When he saw what it was

"Is that a TIGER??? "



After this is where the drama starts
I didn't mention the main part in the description where there will be a lot of fights-
No spoilers
You'll have to wait
But thank you waiting patiently for my chapters
It really means so much
Anyways I hope everyone is safe. I really don't want that nasty virus on any of you people. I really for wish you all to stay safe. We can get through this together. Eat lots of immunity boosting foods.


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