Chapter 21

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To mind link someone you must be family or mated. When it was the old times, all the members in the pack could mind link each other as they were really less people in a pack.

Now a pack consists of hundreds of people. So not everyone can mind link unless they are really close. One must consider the other to be trust worthy and close to mind link.

And Tae considered jungkook close as he obviously has a huge crush on him.
Yes, he wants to hide it, but not from himself, he can't hide a obvious fact from himself.
But Tae thought that Jung Kook didn't consider him to be close.

He didn't try to even do it as he assumed it won't work.

As they were walking to a grassy area behind the abandoned amusement park, jungkook tied the bag with the attached belt on it and started to run.
Along with taehyung.

When he runs it feels so good. The wind rushing through his face. The deafness as the wind strikes his ear and he is not able to hear anything than his beating heart and peacefulness. The adrenaline rush when he knows he can run, run, and run and no one can stop him or judge him.

They both leaped through the grounds and bushes and jungkook lead him to a direction where taehyung heard a running water body.

They both leaped into the water, not too shallow nor too deep. After sometime they both were gonna get out. They couldn't speak as they were in their wolf form. The older couldn't tell the younger how amazing it felt to run around here.

Tae got out and looked at the younger getting out with his fur all wet and luscious which made him drool. Thankfully jungkook didn't see it.

The younger flicked off the water just like taehyung did a few moments ago.
As he went to the grassy part right next to the river (the river sides are fully surrounded by trees) and sat for a minute to rest. The older went ahead and was about sit next to him when he suddenly heard a big growl.

_now what??_ at this point taehyung was pissed. Whenever he wanted to get close to jungkook (physically) when they were alone there was some disturbance. The last time they were deers and rabbits etc.
_what is it this time?? A bear?!?_

Well he was not wrong it was not just a simple bear. It was huge with scars on its skin and one eye and two times bigger than his wolf size. Jungkook's wolf was ofcouse a little smaller than tae's wolf. But who complained now.

The bear made its way to jungkook who was just laying still in his place, while taehyung went into an attcking stance.

He heard the bear growl again looking sternly and only taehyung.
_why the fudge is it only looking at me? What did I do? And why is jungkook not doing anything?...... Wait.....__ and that is when he realised mostly all the animals are his friends. So this bear might be his friend too.

Jungkook looked at the bear and gave it a nod and that was it. It stopped growling and looking angry. It rather sat down with jungkook and stayed quiet until a lot of other different animals came crowding him, same as last time.

This time taehyung just looked at the younger feeling kind of lonely and left out that he can't even mind link so he can't talk and the animals crowded him. so he just looked at the ground.

He didn't notice that jungkook made a little empty space near him, telling the other wild life creatures to move.

jungkook saw that Tae didn't notice it and was also looking at the ground.

Why do you look sad? Do you not like it here?

When Tae heard these words he was shocked then he looked at jungkook who looked at him with Concern.

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