Chapter 11

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I don't need you

Nobody needs you

You're useless for me

"Please!! Please don't leave me!! "

Too bad. I. Don't. Need. You.

Jungkook woke up like fire underneath him, with tears overflowing in his eyes and sweat filled face. He then wiped his eyes and hugged his knees and leaned on the head board. He kept wiping his tears but they dont seem to stop. They kept flowing like a river. He stopped his actions and let his tears flow.

Those words kept ringing in his head, he wanted to just forget everything that happened. He wished he could turn back time and never saw what he witnessed that day with jaehyun...

He looked at the time and it was 2 in the morning. He didn't take anymore time to think and just got up and went to the forest area, it has so much trees there and a very beautiful pond. He goes there Everytime he feels sad. To just simply take his mind off of things.

And for some weird reason the animals don't ever leave his side everytime he comes there. They just sit beside him and he feels so much comfort with their company. And by animals, I don't mean just the harmless ones. Literally all the animals, even the carnivorous ones.

He went there, spent some time there and enjoyed the comfort of the friendly animals and came back home at 6am.

And that is when taehyung woke up. He started getting ready for college and went downstairs. Ate breakfast and headed to college.

Jungkook went to college and he didn't get to go to class because the science teacher called him to ask a favor. He is yet to know what it is.

"Oh jungkook! Thank god you're finally here! "

"Yes ma'am but what happened? "

"Oh right! Remember those rabbits our college students saved during our field trip?? "

"The rabbits which we're saved five months ago? Yes I remember them "

"Well, you used to feed them all the time but since atleast two months you didn't even visit them, they're not doing anything, I guess they're really close to you, will u help feed them? "

"Oh I'll do it, but is it okay if I skip class? " questioned jungkook

"Oh that's okay I'll ask someone to provide you the notes"

"Oh thank you " said jungkook in an expression-less tone as always

He went to the rabbits, there we're so many of them, they we're saved from a forest fire in the woods. When the college gave them to the hound, the students didn't have the heart to give them away, so they are kept behind the park facility of the college.

It was soon break time, 11am. So the students we're out everywhere. Jungkook still was inside the rabbit shed, there we're 50 of those cute little bunnies so it takes time to feed them all

Meanwhile ~

"No jimin"

"I have to"

"Jimin don't do this"

"You can't stop me taehyung"

"No jimin, this is not you, you will never do it"

"Oh but I will"

"No jimin please give it back"

"No taehyung, the reason I'm doing this is because you did this to me last week"

"Jimin please don't! This is revenge!! "

"Oh but the revenge is very sweet that I can't stop myself"

With that jimin swallowed taehyung's cheesecake.

"Nooooooo" taehyung sobbed dramatically

They both we're standing on opposite sides of the table in the cafeteria. (They we're mostly running before jimin ate the cheesecake)

"Jimin why did you eat my cake?? "

"Yoo soulf haf not eafen ma caif thaf day, so I'm tafing refenfe"

"Atleast swallow it before you talk" said tae after he finally gave up

"You should have not eaten my cake that day, so I'm taking revenge"said jimin after he swallowed it.


"Anyways, tae didn't you say you have to do something "

"Uhhh yeah I have to go to the rabbits shed to give my notes to someone"

"And why do YOU have to do that??" Asked jimin

"Well I was sitting in the first desk so the science teacher just simply pointed to me and said to do this, so.."
Explained taehyung _the reason I sat front was cuz jungkook wasn't there today! I wonder what happened, did he take a leave? Oh wait what if he is SICK?? nah he was fine yesterday, anyways I'll go give this person my notes and head back to class_

He went to the rabbits shed, after asking someone the directions ofcourse.

But what he saw there was surprising.
Jungkook was down on the floor of the she'd with a lot of rabbits on top of him. He was smiling.

_wow his smile is so freaking beautiful!!! _ thought tae

He slowly opened the door and went in.

"Taehyung? "


Cliffhanger 😂 sorry guys

Anyways I'm really sorry I didnt update so long. And I'm really thankful to people to read atleast until here. Thank you so much for trying my book!! and also everyone must be excited after the comeback! It was beautiful! I personally loved 'louder than bombs'. If you haven't heard it yet please hear it when you hve time.

do a job you love, then you won't work a day in your life

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