Chapter 27

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I don't have my editor, so feel free to point out any mistakes in the story

Hope you like it

The moon was full and at its peak when the clock was going to strike 12 in a few minutes. Everyone was talking and laughing and smiling and it was all great.

Everyone was admiring the moon's beauty. Even with its craters and uneven surface, it was a beauty to see.
No one could compare, but for taehyung one person could compare and it was jungkook.

He once again glanced at jungkook who was on the other side, holding onto a pillar. Taehyung was kinda pissed he had to see jaehyun there. Of course he was the son of the head alpha, so he should attend this.

But Jungkook did not pay any attention to jaehyun, he totally ghosted him, so Tae was happy about it.

The sound of beep from a small boy's watch indicated that it was 12 now. Everyone suddenly noticed the moon shining brighter than any other day.

It grew brighter and brighter. The light was blue and shining on all of land it could touch.

But there was something about this. It didn't shine bright for a simple show. There was a meaning to it. The head alpha looked around the people, scanning everyone with his eyes. He knew what this was. He had heard old tales about this. When he saw what it finally meant, his eyed widened and a gasp left his mouth.

Everyone turned their heads to look at what the alpha was seeing, some were confused but understood soon enough and some understood right away.

Jungkook's chocolate brown eyes glowed a bright yellowish gold while taehyung's glowed a dark red. Both indicating their wolf eyes.

It was like they both were possessed. They had their eyes only for each other. They only looked at each other without any expression in their faces.

The glass on taehyung's hand fell down shattering on the cold hard floor, but taehyung flinch or make any type of movement.

He slowly took a step front, but it wasn't him. It was like something was controlling him. He slowly made his way to the other side, while everyone in his way moved for him to let him through.

Jungkook was looking at taehyung coming through, seeing his every move, but not him. Just like taehyung, it was like some one was controlling him.

When taehyung finally reached jungkook, who stood there blankly, he smiled.

Both were expressionless but now taehyung smiled, and seeing that jungkook smiled as well.

Taehyung extended his hand towards jungkook, while jungkook hesistantly extended his hand and held the older's.

They both smiled, Tae looking adoringly at jungkook then it all stopped. The glow in their eyes stopped the moon was back to its original brightness, while everyone in the crowd were astonished.

This was just a mere rumor, a tale told by the elders. But it happened right in front of their eyes.

Now that jungkook and taehyung were back to their senses, they both quickly retracted their hands and looked at everyone to notice that they were the center of attention.

"what happened? How did I come here? Uhhh I don't understand what happened" taehyung asked the head alpha who came and stood next to him.

"haven't you heard about this?" the head alpha asked.

Jungkook stood there Confused, he didn't remember a single thing. So did taehyung. They weren't themselves, something happened without their consent.

"I have heard about it as the moon ceremony. It may be called other names. the moon goddess wishes happiness for all. But what if you're not happy? The moon goddess, mother to all, wishes only happiness to her children. If there is someone who is your happiness, then she wants the best to happen. I don't know if this is true but I think you two are now mates. You are given a second chance at love... "


Woohooo!!! This is the first chapter I ever wrote.

I loved writing this and I sent it to myself thru msg, then I thought why not write a whole story?

Anyways I'm sorry for not updating for a 1½ week! Hope you like today's chapter. I'm also giving a double update.

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