Chapter 29

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Jungkook was admitted in the hospital after their fight.

He was feeling really dizzy, as he was really tired from all of this so he fell unconscious but the doctor assured that he was just tired, plus it was still 3am.

Taehyung waited out till the doctor came out, "he is alright. No need to worry, he won't be able to walk for a few days, he had a broken fibula on his right leg. It was broken on purpose I assume?"

"yes, one of the guys stomped on his leg" taehyung said answering his minor question.

"it'll be alright, he just needs to rest, you don't have to keep him coped up here, he can be discharged tomorrow, make sure to make him eat, and he has to have his leg casted" the doctor said moving on to his next checkup.

Taehyung was never scared of these thing. Never. But now he was, still not because of these rouges but because he couldn't protect jungkook properly.

After he found out that those rouges were the same ones who killed the Luna, and Jungkook's weird power to understand animals and those rouges sudden attack, it must mean one thing.

Jungkook had powers and they are trying to take him just like the Luna...

He has to protect him no matter what!

After jungkook's leg was put in a cast he was free to be discharged but jungkook was still sleeping, so he thought he didnt want to wake up this sleeping beauty so he carried him bridal style and took him to the stretcher. He took him to the car and made jin drive the car to his house.

He laid him on his bed after entering his house, jungkook stirred in his sleep so taehyung stroked his hair and the younger visibly relaxed.
Taehyung slept in a sofa chair next to Jungkook's bed, if in any case he wakes up and needs something.


"so, you're telling us that the guy wanted jungkook? He is just a pack fighter, and I'm sure they have better fighters than jungkook, so why would they need him? There must be something!" the head alpha said

The head alpha had called taehyung to enquire about this matter. Even the Luna had come there, some important people were also present and they are absolutely trustworthy.

"and about jaehyun... Are you sure you saw him? Was it really him? I didn't expect something like at from him. I thought I raised him well but I guess I was wrong. I so badly hope it wasn't him." the Luna said sadly, she adopted him and raised him with all her love but she simply couldn't believe he would do this!

"I hope I can tell you the same but I would never want to lie about something that involves my mate's safety! And head alpha.... there is something I am not so sure about, but I think jungkook might have powers like our former Luna, I'm still not sure though, I saw him talking to those woodland creatures right before the attack." taehyung said and also informed everyone in the room that this information should not leave this room! Everyone were shocked too, did he really have powers?! Was running in their minds

"but he might just understand their expressions like a veterinarian, how could you confirm your fact?" asked one of the person in the room.

"I thought so too, I let that matter go as I thought the same. But once we went to the cliff near the sea and even a whale was friendly with him, and he seems to understand them. He answered to their animal sounds. And we could just confirm this after jungkook wakes up and that could possibly be the reason for this attack." taehyung reasoned.

" if you what you say is true then we mustn't let what happened to the former Luna, happen to jungkook. " said the head alpha reminding himself of his mother. (she died when jk was 6, and the current alpha was 19 at that time)

"and I won't let what happened to my my late mate, happen to jungkook" taehyung whispered to himself reminding him that he would protect his mate this time!

As they heard someone walking outside the door, taehyung opened the door to see Jin walk upstairs with tablets in his hands and a glass of water.

"oh is jungkook awake?"

"yes he just woke up and I made him eat food, so I'm bringing him his tablets" replied Jin and bowed to the head alpha politely.

"you can just go see him, he can talk and every thing, he just said he was dizzy" added Jin as he thought the alpha might want to.

As they approached the door they heard a voice whisper yelling something. Since the door was closed it came out muffled but it sounded like jungkook was telling someone to leave from there.

When they entered, they saw jungkook looking sitting stiff on the bed, he had a tiny pocket note and a pen in his hand and his face with a weird expression as if he was hiding a bear in the closet.

"are you feeling alright dear?" asked the Luna, she was friendly to everyone and she knew jungkook for a quite some time.

"yes... Um... I... I need to... To take a shower..." said jungkook eyeing a lot of places, he eyed the curtains, his bedspread, the closet and the bedside table.

The confused alpha came near him and was about to sit on the bed next to him to just make it quick and finish his questioning but

"NO DON'T SIT THERE!" jungkook yelled slightly scared.

It looked like there were a lot of pillows under the bed but suddenly one of those pillows moved.

"wah it moving" said Jin pointing to the spot.

Taehyung went ahead and took away the bedsheet revealing a lot of small animals, rabbits, a tiny deer, Squirrels and snakes, wait SNAKES?!

The alpha was quick to grab some and hit it but jungkook stopped him and the snake crawled up to the younger's shoulder and sat its face on it.

Then taehyung opened the curtain seeing a lot of birds and the closet to reveal a BEAR?!? even the bedside table was hiding something.

"why is this room suddenly a zoo?" asked the head alpha looking baffled.

"I don't know them!" said jungkook quickly, earning a growl from the bear next to him.

Jungkook turned his cute angry face to the bear quieting it, "so you don't know?" asked the Luna smiling knowing it was him.


"it's okay dear you don't have to hide it from us" said the head alpha, calming jungkook.

Jungkook glared at the bear, although it was just so cute, the bear seems to quiet down. Everyone was baffled by now.

When one of the guy came forward to ask him a question about his powers the bear growled again, protecting jungkook.

"no, you be quiet it's all your fault" said jungkook turning to the bear again.
The bear made another sound to which he said "yes it is! I know it! you are the one who gave nicki the idea, and now everyone is here"

While everyone gave questionable look, he looked back at them sheepishly, everyone in the room just chuckled.

"so I guess it's true, you have powers like our former Luna. How long have you known? About this?" asked the head alpha

"from the day the Luna died..."


So yeah everyone in the room found out. Now what? Former Luna died when Jung Kook was so small? So he had known long?! Idk

Anyways, hope you liked today's chapter!

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Borahae 💜

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