Chapter 6

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Taehyung pulled jungkook by his hand and dragged him through the corridors to the infirmary.

Taehyung made jungkook sit in a free unoccupied bed (others we're not occupied too, it was all empty) which was covered by curtains fully.

Then the elder male went to the side of the place where they keep the first aid kit and brought it to jungkook, who was now looking at his injured knee.

Jungkook's pant had a small scratch which is why his knee got hurt. Tae wanted to put anti-infectant on his knee but since he had a pant on.....he decided to go for his hand's wound.

He put the anti-infectant on his hand then cleaned it with cotton and put a bandage. Now he went for his knee...

"Uhhh I think you.... have to lift.... your pant until your knee"

Jungkook was seeing outside the window avoiding eye contact, now he looked at tae then folded up the hem of his pant.

Taehyung saw that his leg was so slender and thin just like his body he thought _how did he even fight when he is so slim and thin_

He put the anti-infectant again then put a bandage on it. Jungkook stood up and was ready to leave when...

"Wait.....what class do you have next?"

Even though jungkook doesn't talk much he still answered


"Oh me too let's go...together?"

"Hmm" he nodded.

They walked together and reached their class. In art class, today they had to draw what's on the table, they had a volcano which was used in a science project.

It was quiet in there and suddenly the teacher spoke

"You're done with your painting already? " he asked jungkook

Jungkook just nodded and the teacher goes to look at his painting, he looked awestruck.

"Wow jungkook you're so good at this" said the teacher and Taehyung peeked at his painting.

_wow.....I'm speechless.....its so beautiful......just like him..... Wait...what?? Why am I thinking this way_ thought taehyung

Taehyung had good art skills too but he thought that jungkook was great.

He kept looking at jungkook for so long that he noticed it and turned away with a slight blush.

As a little time went by Taehyung  heard something fall near him, he looked down to see a paint brush fallen next to his chair.

"Um...can you please pass me my brush" he heard and he could recognize that voice anytime.

It was jungkook.

Jungkook stared right into taehyung's eyes and tae got lost in those chocolate brown eyes.

" brush? "

"Oh uh yeah let me get it"

He said and gave it to jungkook. He felt butterflies in his stomach when jungkook smiled and thanked him.

He didn't understand this feeling he got everytime he saw jungkook.
He thought if this was even possible.
Before coming back here he had lost his mate. Yes no one ever asks him about it because he doesn't want to talk about it. When he turned 18 he didn't get his mate right away.

Mates are people who are given to a person as their soulmate. They are chosen by the moon goddess. A person's mate maybe anywhere, they won't know, but when that person turns 18, they will meet that person, when they both look in the eyes of each other and their eyes glow, that's when they know that they are mates.

Taehyung waited two years until he finally found his mate but after just two months he lost his mate. Taehyung was really sad when that happened. he waited so long only to get his hopes broken. He was sad but he doesn't want his family and friends to be worried for him.


After school was over jungkook got a text from jin-hyung saying that he wanted to know a recipe for a cake.

Jin knows jungkook, everybody knows jungkook and what happened to him, but jin has known him a little longer than other people. They come over to each others houses sometimes and talk and exchange recipes as they both cook well and just be casual. Jin is like the brother that jungkook never had.

Jungkook went home and kept his bag  there and started walking towards jin's house. Its just a five minute walk, their house is really close. And so is the park, that's why jungkook was spotted at the park during the rain time.

When the blue haired male reached jin's house he rang the bell. Taehyung was sitting in the couch and jin was in his room so taehyung reached for the door.

When he opened the door he saw jungkook at his door and was quite shocked. _why is he here? Wait...ofcourse he doesnt know me, he must've come to see jin hyung or the wrong address_ thought tae

"Uhhh is jin hyjng there?" Asked jungkook in low voice but loud enough for tae to hear.

"Yeah, he is upstairs, i'll go call him" said taehyung

Jin came down knowing jungkook is here and called him in. Jungkook's mom had a recipe book which is awesome, jin sometimes asks him recipes because he runs a restaurant.

Jungkook went in and looked at taehyung for a sec and turned to jin.

"He is my brother. He was abroad for training, the one I told I about " said jin after reaching the kitchen.

_oh my god! Jin hyung talked about  me? To jungkook? Why am I getting nervous, what did he tell him?? I hope he didnt tell him anything embarrassing_thought tae


Hey everyone 👋👋

Im sorry for not updating in a very long time, I had school which is the worst, I mean, who likes it?
Im really happy that ppl are trying my book, its my first time writing.

So thank you!!
Have a good day or night or noon!!
Be happy and love yourself cuz no one can bring you down, only you can!

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