Chapter 13

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Taehyung always thought about 'why is jungkook not eating properly? '
He was concerned about the younger's health. So he decided to speak.

"Jungkook I don't usually see you eating properly. "Asked tae

Jungkook was back to normal silent self but still taehyung felt as if the younger's mood dropped.

"You don't have to tell me why. I just don't want you to skip eating food because its not good for health. I heard you're also a pack fighter, so you'll always need energy, so please don't do that. "

Jungkook looked at taehyung. He knew that the older was worried. _maybe I should eat. Or not. A lot people are worried for me and I'm just disappointing them. But I'm thankful to have friends like the people around me_

Jungkook nodded his head as a reply and went on back to eating.

After the lunch break they headed to their classes and time flew by until the last period which was music that day.

The professor had entered the class and started the lesson on a old music piece by a ancient musician but all the taehyung could think about was 'how am I gonna ask him to be my partner for the music programme? '
He kept making up stuff he could say to jungkook to convince him to do it together.

But tae was cut off of his thinking when
"Alright students, we still have time to practice but I just wanted to know if you all have decided what you'll be doing for the programme "

Everyone looked at each others faces but someone in the class (a/n: just some random person/ppl) raised their hands saying "we four have decided to play classical instruments like a soundtrack, with no singing, sir"
The girl said and pointed to three others beside her.

The professor nodded and said "that's good to hear, and as for others, don't take too much time and just do whatever you want to do, there is no one judging you nor is this a competition, this is just for out-showing your talents! "

Taehyung hesitated to ask jungkook about it but he now knew that he didn't have much time if he is gonna do that. When the class ended and they were walking together back home taehyung kept chanting himself _you can do it! you can do it! you can do it! _.

When they were just a few meters away from Jungkook's house taehyung decided to speak.
"Uh jungkook I just...wanted to ask you if you decided what to do for the programme"


Jungkook didn't nod or anything he just stayed silent so taehyung's was going all _Abort mission! Abort mission!! Abort mission!!!_ and he was about to say something to take it back but was stopped

"I love playing the piano, since this is mandatory I will perform, maybe something with the piano but I don't have a partner, which is also mandatory"

"Oh....I....I could your partner.....if its okay with you though"

Jungkook didn't respond as he didn't expect this, it was a little wierd. In a good way.
He didn't speak with people so much after what jaehyun did to him. He was really sad and he didn't want to accept that the situation was true. He was heartbroken. People knew this and they gave him space and time to recover and come back to his own pace.

Something about taehyung made jungkook think that, maybe he can trust taehyung. He also decided maybe this would be a change and he can move on from it.


"Its okay if you don't want to-
Wait what?
You said okay?? "

Jungkook nodded his head as a yes and turned back and went inside his house.

While taehyung stood there overjoyed that now he had another reason to see Jungkook other than his classes together.
He knew that he felt happy when he was jungkook and he also knew that this happiness wouldn't last long bcuz jungkook would eventually find his mate. He didn't know about Jungkook's past yet. So he thinks that jungkook didn't find his mate yet.

All his thoughts were crashed when Jungkook's bunny smile came to his mind. Presently he is sitting on his bed, after he changed his clothes to comfy ones. He was staring at thin air and thinking _what is he doing to me? These days I find myself staring at him. He made me forget all the bad memories that I feel guilty for every minute. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I also know that what's happened cannot be changed. I have to accept that I like him. I have to just let go of him one day or another. I'm just gonna pretend that I don't feel this way. I don't want to be heartbroken again. I will just protect him. I don't have a mate anymore. _

He slept with a mind filled with bunny smile.


Jungkook was sleeping when he suddenly squinted his eyes in his sleep, he rolled and moved on his bed while he was still asleep. He started sweating then after a few minutes he shot up on his bed.

"*sigh* how many days should I suffer from this"

He said as he looked at the time.5:37am. He just got up and did his morning routine and thought he would go to school early.

When he was 'bout go unlock the door, he stopped. He went back and thought he will go at the usual time. Because taehyung accompanies him at that time and he doesn't want the older to go alone.

He just sat on his couch then he looked back at the kitchen that hadn't been used in the mornings at all. His fridge did have bread and some other stuff, they were bought and given to him by the people who care about him.

After a longtime he made bread toast, he hadn't eaten properly which means he totally skipped breakfast. He ate and waited until it was 7:30 which is when he usually goes out. He saw taehyung nearing his house and got out.

Taehyung and jungkook, then started walking together to college.

"Did you eat? " questioned the older as he was concerned.

Jungkook nodded a 'yes'


Hey guys.

Thank you so much everyone for reading my book
Read and comment your thoughts.

I have a quick question.
For the programme, what song do you think should be played by them?
I haven't decided yet, so it would be helpful. Thank you.

Love yourself for who you are, not who everyone wants you to be...


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